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由Quiet_Bushi編輯: 6/20/2022 8:26:49 AM

Burning Maul spinning attack & screen shaking / motion sickness

I've never played much with the Burning Maul, expecially because it felt clunky compared to the Sol Hammer Super. However, after the 25% Buff I wanted to try it [i](btw, the damage is real. Expecially with Roaring Flamesx3)[/i] and yesterday I did. I've noticed that using the Spinning Attack repeatedly, against a Boss for example, causes the screen to shake really bad, so much that a certain point it feels almost epileptic. Since I've never used it much, I was wondering if this is a current bug or if it always did that.



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  • 由AubsTheBelieber編輯: 6/20/2022 1:13:19 PM
    I think the heacy attack does more single target damage. If that even helps. Try pressing right trigger instead. As for the spinning, there's nothing they can really do. The issue with be there even if the tweak it a bunch.



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