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6/9/2022 8:35:55 PM

Do you guys hate Destiny Cross Save too?

Yes, I had to pay again for all my expansions


I don't hate it but it is stupid


No, it's great! I don't mind paying again


Idk about you guys but I've put years of my life into destiny 1 and 2. I've played since the release of both games but I can't help but feel like bungie does not care about us as loyal players. I can say one thing though, I had to sell my PS5 recently, which I garnered most of my play time on xbox but switched over to playstation recently, anywho, I now play on PC and the fact that ALL of my DLC progress is just magically gone unless I pay $100 again for the 3rd time for the PC versions of the expansions that I already own. Honestly idk if its just me but I literally stopped playing after all these years JUST because of that. It's honestly just disgusting because you guys are extorting us and you know it. Then say it's the platforms fault because they all want their shares... You guys must think we're stupid. I know i'm not. So the platforms don't care about their "share" from the season pass? Thats cross save compatible but dlc isnt? I dont buy it. And won't be buying it again. Won't be playing again until this cross save stuff is done right.



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  • That’s not how it works. That is a platform issue. If I go to McDonald’s (McDonalds represents Microsoft or xbox) and get a burger (burger being dlc), I can’t go to Burger King (let’s say Sony or PlayStation) and expect a burger (dlc) for free.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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