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6/5/2022 1:56:16 PM

Lost Sector Droprates are ASTRONOMICLY LOW in Destiny 2 since EVER

Let me make something clear before i start my Thread: Please leave Upvotes or Comments on this Thread so that Bungie can see that this issue is BIG. I have over 2k hrs on this Account and over 2k Platinum lost Sector Runs. I farmed Sectors from S13-S17 and the Droprate-difference is disgusting compared to S13. First of all: With the Increasing numbers of new Exotics every season and the Increasing numbers of new activities and Grind-Mechanics, how is it a good idea to Nerf the Droprate like Bungie did back in S14? I did over 130 Runs of K1 Crew Quarters to Re-Obtain Young Ahamkaras Spine on my hunter. I need around 3mins for a single rund and 3:30 min with loadscreens and re-entering. 130x3:30 is an insane amount of time and the best thing is: I STILL DIDN'T GET THEM TO DROP. All i got are some rolls of the same 4-5 Exotics which i don't need anymore. WHERE IS THE BAD LUCK PROTECTION?? I farmed a second Pair of Osmiomancy Gloves in S16 and it took me over 150 runs to Re-obtain a better roll than the first one since upgrading an exotic with 58 stats is B*llshit. Why is it so hard to give the players an Exotics for every run?? First of all, we already have to get a roll with the prefered stats, than we have to get the exotic we want (which is hard because bungie keeps adding new exotics into the game instead of buffing or reworking old exotics) AND THE WORST OF ALL: WE HAVE TO GET AN EXOTIC DROP IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! THE DROPRATE IN THE TOOLTIP SAYS: NORMAL...?!?!??! NORMAL is for me a 50/50 dropchance and not 10%. Regular people who don't dedicade their entire life to gaming cant afford to wait 4 days to get a good sector in the rotation which isn't pure cancer just to farm it for 10 hrs straight for a garbage 58 stat roll. This statement is not only my view. i've seen a lot of videos, Posts and Threads from other people and i've talked to a lot of my Clanmates and almost EVERYONE has the same issue and that's why they don't even want to farm. Gaming has to be fun and not a damn Chore. Thanks for Reading. Kenji



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  • Saddest part about this is I started to get suspicious because the more I farmed the less they dropped. So instead of getting flawless and fast runs I decided to go slower and die a bunch as a beginner would. I got the exotic more often this way which seems like they put some mechanism in that decreases rewards when it seems like you are a veteran, as if they want to encourage new players to farm more but make it harder for pro players thus also creating a time dedication requirement. Seems like every mechanism here is based on painful grinding which is also why they hotfix any exploits that players have found to many the grind less painful…



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  • ya the loot quality & the drop rates in this game are complete baby shax doody. this season should have been named the season of frustration with the abysmal drop rates, the ridiculous farming for seasonal currency & red frames, etc its like the dev team was sittin around & was like "ok gang, free all you can eat appetizers at TGIF tonight for the best worst ways to completely tank this game, don't hold anything back, no suggestion is too wrong." and then they just added everything on the list.



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  • I get the new exotic every season 1st run



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  • Wait you don't enjoy getting 3 planetary materials and 4000 glimmer? That's the best part!



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    • Got calibans hand first try on legend bro don’t see the problem



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      • Ridiculous rates



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      • Then theres me that runs one lost sector and gets the new warlock boots. Sowy.



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      • Can’t see why there isn’t Grandmaster lost sectors Some of these master lost sectors can be completed in around 5 minutes Up the difficulty and guarantee an exotic/ascendant shard on completion



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        • I disagree. I got all titan chest pieces in about 2-3 hours of farming, and to make it worse I farmed a moon lost sectors Don’t remember the name but it’s one of the notoriously long ones. As a goat titan, git gud skrub



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        • 由Zinjo 2017編輯: 6/7/2022 4:11:24 PM
          I think a happy medium could be found here. Yes the Lost Sectors drop rates are painfully low, but abandoning them for the Try Hards and the Grinders dismisses their efforts. It would also remove the opportunity to farm specific exotics. Keep the gates for the new season exotics behind the Lost Sectors, BUT use LS as the direct route to getting these exotics. The second method would be as the reward for a second rank reset of Crucible, Strikes, Gambit activites. Many players stop the bounties on the evergreen activities when they finish the season pass and others stop ranking up after they get the ascendant shard on the first reset. This is due to the exotic at the end of the second rank rainbow is never new. Having the new exotics as a reward, keeps the activities relevant to most players after the season pass is completed and they have reached the hard cap. Depending on which class claims the exotic engram, that will determine which new class exotic will randomly drop. Bungie can keep their planned second row of perks for legendaries after you reset the ranks, that is another incentive to keep ranking up. The ultimate goal for vets and hard capped players is the random new exotic at the end of a second reset or take the shortcut / farming through Legendary lost sectors. The advantage that lost sectors will have over the reset, is that players can farm specific exotics and avoid the random drop of something they don't want. Previous season exotics go into the exotic loot pool and randomly drop during gameplay. This keeps them valuable and players on the hunt for exotic drops.



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        • 由Shirtless_Captain_Kirk編輯: 6/7/2022 2:35:08 AM
          I almost always get it in 2-3 runs. Been this way for several years now. Don't skip anything in the lost sector, try to find the planetary mats, kill all champs, make sure all ads spawn and die.



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        • Yes they are depressingly low, especially compared to when legendary lost sectors were introduced. Plus there isn’t even any point to doing it on master, they claim it’s better chances but you’re more likely to get an exotic on legend simply because you can get 2-3 more clears in the same time it takes to do a master. I remember when Nothing manacles came out and I ended up doing 36 “bay of drowned wishes” on master with not a single exotic drop in between then and when I got them and the only reason manacles dropped was because it was my first pair. They should have bad luck protection on Master difficulty. Make it so if you haven’t gotten an exotic by your 7th run (Bungies favorite number lol) you’re guaranteed an exotic. Still RNG on which exotic you get, Still RNG on the stat rolls so there’s still a grind.



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          • I would say it's more inconsistent. There are times where I'll get an Exotic after one or two runs, then there will be times where I'll get nothing for two hours. But it is dumb.



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          • Just got through my first legend yesterday and opened the chest at the end for a….enhancement core. An exotic dropped off an enemy though and it was the chest piece I was wearing at one light level higher so I got lucky.



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          • sad part is they want people to be playing this game that’s why they rng is so low just look at the vex in the eyes of tomorrow



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          • Couple of days ago infarmed exotic legs, got 3 on my warlock in about 6 runs. Switched to my hunter and got nothing, i stopped after 25 runs of nothing.



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          • I ran K1 crew on moon for arms. Im missing 3 pairs. Had some time to farm which ended with 0 exotic drops. Ran around 10-15 of them and then came reset. I managed to get 2 or 3 enhancment cores during that time. I ran that lost sector around 5 min after few tries.



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          • D1 exotic drop rates were insane compared to now, I remember people taking a year or two to get certain exotics and even some legendries to drop. Most armour took quite a while to drop after release. Suros Regime was rare (and op) on release. Icebreaker was rare on release. The infamous Gjally was rare, unless you visited Xur week 2 and payed for an unknown rocket launcher that later became godly and a must for any raid team. Fatebringer, Black Hammer, the solar hand cannon from Skolas (can't remember the name) all very rare drops, something like a 5% drop rate which was nuts for legendries! This is just a few rare weapons from D1 that were truly hard to get, I'm not saying all weapons should be harder or easier to acquire, but currently gear is much easier to acquire now than it was in D1. The algorithm is programmed to drip feed gear to you, if you play the lost sector for 4 hours straight, it won't give you a lot. If you run the lost sector a few times then go play something else and come back your odds go up. Mixing up your gameplay keeps you from burning out as easily and improves your rewards. Trust me, I've been grinding this gear since 2014.



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            • Passed season i got all the Warlock Exotics within 3 to 5 runs on legend within 1 week, thats not to bad so i dont have the same expirience like some inhere have. I just killed everything in those lost sectors, maybe that improves your changes. Did Masters to but its easyer to do them on legend.



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            • I remember when the warlock arms came out, necrotic grips…. I ran legends for 3 hours … 3 hours and i never got that exotic, how ever i do remember i got 3 sanguine alchemy’s and 2 tempests crown. I haven’t touched lost sector’s since. It has terrible rng, and depending on what season mods there are it can be more painful for the lost sector for the day, all depends. I hate that the new stuff is behind lost sectors and not in the open world loot pool. They need to fix it and make it more player friendly. Ive seen soo many posts about it and idk why nothing has been said.



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            • It’s stupidly inconsistent. Last season I farmed out enough lost sector exotics to store in my post master to cover new exotics through the next year. Went 13 runs without getting a drop and then I had 3 drops back to back. I’d rather they just bring back glass needles and make those the drops instead



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            • Yes.



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            • Farming the lost sectors for the new exotics is great imo, takes less then 10 runs on average is all but guarantee a drop. Farming lost sectors for a specific exotic? Absolutely terrible, I’m still stuck with a 48 rolled exotic that I pulled from the collections as I have yet to receive another, At this point I’m praying to Xur to save me



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              • 3500+ runs here. The rates are fine



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                • It's too low, for sure, but you are underestimating the drop rates. A lot of Reddit posts have compiled data on this. It's roughly 25% for Legend lost sectors and 33% for Master. Given how much shorter Legend runs are, they are your most efficient bet.



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                  • A simple solution like getting the exotic you're wearing would help. Then you can farm exclusively for that item.



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