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5/28/2022 11:22:31 AM

Potential Epileptic issue regarding the new Duality dungeon grenade launcher

So I've been messing around with the new stasis grenade launcher, Lingering Dread. There was something that I noticed while I was using the weapon, at times if you shoot the grenade out the screen briefly flashes white across the entire screen for all but 1/4 of a second. Like a very brief strobe light effect. It's hard to describe. By the way there isn't a small chance of this happening. I was able to regularly replicate this effect. I'm not sure if this based off of the proximity between the Guardian and whatever is is that they're shooting, but I thought it was worth taking note of. I would really hate to be the one using this weapon if I was prone to seizures. Can we please upvote this so that someone at Bungie can be notified of the issue? I don't want to risk anyone's personal well-being while this is a potential issue 😥



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