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5/20/2022 2:57:18 PM

I just want to buy a Year of Destiny annually & have all items be in-game rewards. Quit the obnoxious pay walls & revenue schemes

When an expansion comes out, just charge me the full price out the gate. The expansion, seasons, dungeons, raids, trials, events - all of it. One price to pay. Then put all the loot the team make for this content & make it rewards for PLAYING THE GAME!



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  • The sad thing is there was a point in D2 where you could realistically earn most of the stuff that was in the Eververse store. It felt rewarding and made you want to play even when there was hardly anything to do. Bungie low key even admitted that the store worked well when they told us the revenue from a single skin completely covered the dev costs of the zero hour mission, yet it's gotten so much worse. The problem is Bungie got a taste of MTX revenue and that became the priority. It's an issue that's infected modern gaming but, given how much money it generates, don't expect it to go anywhere soon. Now we have game content churned out at a pace that means much of it is just disposable filler, reskinned from previous iterations and never inteneded to last more than 12 months, season passes, event passes, standalone dungeon content (that includes weapons and exotics) and an ever growing catalogue of MTX, when we still don't even have basic things from D1 like proper strike-specific loot. The only real thing players can do about it is stop consuming it. That's literally the only thing that would make them stop. Don't hold your breath.



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