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1/25/2022 12:57:55 PM

Tower Reconstruction Co is currently seeking new workers (18+)

TRCo (Tower Reconstruction Company) has just been awarded the rebuilding of our great tower. What this means is we are currently looking for any level of workers to join in with us. The pay isn't the greatest, but building a great team and having a great time at work should offset it. We are a equal opportunity employer and with that we do not discriminate due to race, gender and religious beliefs. As our hours of business are 7 days a week within the hours of (Mon-Fri 6pm-Midnight) (Sat-Sun All Day) timezone is EST, as more workers apply our operational hours will change. The rules are simple, show up regularly for work. Please if extended vacation is needed reach out. And we use discord for company communications, to assist other workers on jobs and to schedule company events. If you are interested in applying with this great company, here is the website link to join us.



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