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1/22/2022 5:28:04 PM

Looking for good, reliable endgame clan. XTheeDevils0wnX add me on psn
#Clans #searching



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  • Im looking to bring new peeps into my discord server on hopes of unearthing a few gems that fit in. No big fancey ad from me, just an offer to join the server and make friends, if you wanna join the clan after a while, thats great, if not, no harm no foul. Dm if interested.



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  • Our clan Malicious Intent is currently recruiting. We are a PvE/PvP clan that focuses on endgame content. We made this clan to expand from our main clan to start adding strong players to our group and build up. We just started a PvP recruitment for anyone that does have the requirements for PvE we want to build our clan with people of good stats or those who want to get better. We are looking to fill up our roster of those interested in day 1, low mans, flawless raids etc. if you’d like to learn or complete a low man we do help and teach you how to do a low man. we have EU/NA players within our ranks and continue to add more from wherever they are. We don’t consider ourselves super sweats but do like to challenge ourselves. We also have a mixture of various systems but mainly PC and Xbox currently. We do have a few ps people within our clan as well We do have a discord that we use for everything and we plan everything in our cord that will be used for the clan. We want to be able to grow as a clan so no one has to LFG too much or struggle in a raid or any activity with randoms. We want to be able to farm out raids and get stuff done quickly and efficiently while having fun. We are an 18+ clan If you think you have good skills we would like to have you. Comment down below or pm me or any admins if you’re interested. We do expect you to have knowledge of all current raids. Discord:



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  • Always Ready! Is a brand new clan for mature sophisticated adults with a robust inner child. Communication and teamwork are the cornerstone of any successful clan. It’s with that in mind that I’d like to build something meaningful. I’ve been around the block a few times and I’d like to get some solid teams ready for day 1 Witch Queen Raids. looking for dedicated, competitive players who are ready to tackle true endgame content such as Trials, Grandmaster Nightfalls, Master Vault of Glass, Master Grasp of Avarice, Seals, and Triumphs. Timezone doesn’t matter to me, but I usually line up with NA players. If those activities sound like something you’d like to get a dedicated team to complete consider joining up. Send a link to your, destinytracker or any other relevant link to stats that you feel show your competent. Approval will be on a case-by-case basis. All I’m looking for is competence. REQUIREMENTS: 1. 21+ years old 2. Be good 3. Seriously be good I’m not professional, but I am a solid Sherpa. Take a look!!



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  • We are a community of raiders who share the common values of friendship, good raiding appetite and aiming to be better every day and spread this mindset to everyone around us. We love to run end game PVE content on a regular basis such as: 1) Trio and Duo raids 2) Day 1s 3) Grandmaster Nightfalls 4) Master level raids and dungeons. Having trio or duo badges are highly desirable, but the desire to improve and contributing to a community will be the main aspect of recruitment. We believe with a good attitude and the right environment people can achieve anything. If you are interested in joining and would like to have more details, feel free to contact canicagasi#1177 or MerryPippins_#0112 from Discord.



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  • 1
    [i]Eyes up, Guardian...[/i] [u][b]JOIN AM[/b][/u] [quote] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misadventure[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Mistakes[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misconduct[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misfit[/url][/quote] [u][b]ABOUT US[/b][/u] AM is an active clan, currently recruiting veteran Guardians to join the community. The AM community consists of eight sister clans, sharing an organized discord server for clan members to engage. With eight sister clans, we're large enough that there's always someone to play with, but we're also small enough that we still have that family feel. AM does it all: day one raids, GM's, Trials, community scrims, and everything in-between. Our community consists of mostly adults with full-time jobs. [u][b]WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR[/b][/u] We're looking for like-minded adults (18+) who share a deep passion for Destiny. To us, the ideal Guardian is someone who immerses themselves in the Destiny community as a hobby. Whether you're a triumph hunter, gilded conqueror, low-man raider, etc., or just an all-around Destiny nerd, then we'd love to have you. [u][b]PERKS[/b][/u] • Well-established, level-3 nitro boosted discord server. • Scheduled events, such as raids, GM's, Gambit, PVP, etc. • Seasonal fashion shows and clan Olympics. • Discord vanity role badges for veteran raiders, redjacks, and more. • Opt-in roles for LFG pings. • Discord bots, such as Charlemagne, Servant of Niris, and others. • Weekly scrims with organized ruleset for shits and giggles. • Large sherpa team to assist with teaching raid mechanics. • AM on Twitter. • Clan merch. • Giveaways. • And more... [u][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b][/u] • Be active on Destiny 2. • Be mature. • Be fluent with using Discord. • Be 1300+ power level without seasonal artifact. • If you meet the above criteria, send a request to join the clan. • After you're accepted, join the discord server (sent to you via DM's). [i]If you're interested or have questions, let us know! Otherwise, send a request to join we'll send you a discord link after acceptance.[/i] JP



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  • Hey! I'm a part of a clan that is open for all forms of players! PvP and PvE, Veteran players and New players, with people who know every aspect of the game we are always happy to assist anyone at anytime! With Witch Queen just around the corner we are looking to expand our clan some more! Ive had too many bad experiences myself with clan searching, I got tired of joining clans that just bring me in and then count me out of everything they do only playing with a inner circle of thier group. I don't expect you to be on every single day, no marriages to destiny required for our clan. All I ask is for you to be respectful to the clan members and be responsive! If you'd like to join there's links below to the discord and clan page, wed be happy to have you! Discord: [url][/url] Clan Link: [url][/url]



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  • UK / Other English speakers. 18+ We play all aspects of Destiny's endgame experience. Raids, Grandmasters, Dungeon, Low mans, Trials of Osiris, Comp, Iron Banner; You name it, we do it. All we ask is that you are a friendly, experienced player who is fairly active and farmiliar with Discord and the mechanics of the game. We are looking for both PvE and PvP players. Please have at least 1 character who is base 1330. We PREFER thay you have at least a: Conqueror Seal, Raid Seal, PvP seal OR Good Stats on either .report app. We do accept friends of members whether they be new or experienced. All platforms welcome. Please comment below or DM me personally.



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