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1/13/2022 6:13:07 PM

Orb mods are highly unnecessary and will hurt the game more than help it.

These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods. It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs. Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…



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  • The change to orb generation is completely unnecessary. This is very reminiscent of sunsetting. We know how that turned out. A much easier fix.would be to allow masterworking of exotics. That way even exotics without catalysts can still generate orbs.



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  • 由parallelish編輯: 1/14/2022 5:23:25 PM
    knowing Bungie this will most likely be bad for the game, but just trying to be optimistic, do we really want to keep running the same builds for years and years centered around CwL? I'm just hoping that new mods are introduced that allow for more diverse and unique builds. for instance they could just make ammo drops happen more frequently so that scavenger and ammo finder mods are less needed. They could also consolidate the stat boost mods to just take 2 - 3 slots and only be the +10s etc. Edit: they could also be adding another mod slot for all armor pieces and increasing the energy cap



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    • 由everwilling編輯: 1/14/2022 1:06:07 PM
      Whoa never seen so many posts about NOT wanting something. Orb mods ….really Bungie?! What are you playing at? Destiny is space magic and the light …..powerful guardian with flowing powers . Why are you stripping this back? I’m not playing as much but this is not going to help D2 ….if Bungie goes ahead with this…’s a big -blam!- you to the community…so many people do not want orb mods full stop.



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    • Like your last point and very typical of bungie.



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    • With all the respect Bungie but this idea is non sense. We are more than restricted regarding mods energy costs and now put orb generation on the helmet?????????? So i have to or generate orbs or use ammo finder i will say most people use 1 stat mod and 2 ammo finders, where the heck are you going to add another mod? The only way i see this change will work is if all the armor mods cost is reduced to 1 energy and a extra armor slot is added to all the armors. With an upcomimg big DLC this orb change thing is a big hype killer



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    • 由bandito--24編輯: 1/14/2022 2:40:55 PM
      Agreed. Bungie schruted it once again. They really know how to shoot themselves in the foot.



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    • Listen, they have to make the bare minimum content they give us stretch out as much as they possibly can, which includes inflating play time by limiting abilities. It's all part of the plan.



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    • Question tho. Will our master worked weapon still drop orbs?



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      • Bwahaha a full page with the same topics on forum 1st page, lmao Bungie delivers again. :D So glad I don't play this game anymore.



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        • Yep. We’re basically just losing a helmet mod slot since one will always be taken for the sake of this. There is definitely a better way to go about this.



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        • Who asked for this change as they cited in the twab? Aren’t there more pressing issues and challenges? Weird. Another attempt to control meta and selection. Sad.



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        • That’s a great idea. They should add a weapon mod that generates bright dust too. Armor mod that allows you the ability to one hit kill melee. Weapons mod that removes recoil and adds rapid fire



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          • One step forward, two steps back. It's the Bungie motto.



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          • 由Kosh編輯: 1/14/2022 12:35:34 PM
            Bungie, take the orbs and shove it up yours!



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          • 3
            I can legit see the scene right now, comes next season they'll add a cheap artifact mod that grant you the unthinkable ability of making orbs along with a new catalystless ads cleaning op exotic and everyone be like ahhh it's not that bad, when that season is over things will go back to exactly what we saw today and nobody will ever mention it for the next 2 years because we're so used to the weakened sandbox by then. Bungie is like a bull in heat, predictable and unstoppable



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          • Does anyone from Bungie actually play Destiny 2? I mean the armour mods already have limited real estate and then they want to throw this in the mix. Wow. I’ve been reading people say it for ages on these forums and now can’t help but agree…..Bungie simply does not care. I wonder who the winner is that proposed this fantastic concept to the team 🤔🙄



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          • 由DogTheft編輯: 1/14/2022 7:04:30 AM
            I'm not giving up my Ammo Finder mod just so my Guardian can poop out Orbs? FUQ NO!!!



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            • I seriously think they don’t play their own game.



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            • I say they go back to D2y1 because I don’t like change. I liked that meta and think change is stupit



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            • Considering "Charged with light" is a viable build and has numerous mods to help amplify it. Removing masterwork weapon orb generating would completely ruin any charged with light build. Couple that with the fact master weapon orbs really only happen in PvE, it would also make no sense to change the mechanic. Include the fact that any weapon orbs picked up give a very small amount of super energy. Weapon orbs are not a mechanic that can be abused, or at least i haven't seen a player able to abuse it. If they end up changing the orb generating mechanic it will only be to make things harder for players in PvE. As someone already said, its not a mechanic that needs to be addressed. Its not breaking any thing and there far more abused mechanics that should be looked at first.



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            • Knowing Telesto, it will break the game again.



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            • First: Nobody has any idea the reason for the change. When we get more info it might make sense IDK. Second: You should be pissed that it only works with the element of the weapon you’re using. That’s the real bullshit. It’s probably why they lowered the currency needed to change masterworked armor. Bungie has done dumber -blam!- in the past.



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            • Boycott orb generation mods, don't use them. Someone or a team probably spent a lot of time and effort into moving it to helmet mods and testing. By not using them, it makes that effort a waste and sends a message. I don't plan to use them, even if my charged with light builds suffer, I refuse to take part in Bungies nonsense, I don't care what this magical change to weapons is that they have yet to announce, I don't see how it will change the fact we're losing orb gen. We're still trading one thing for another and if turns out it's just a 3rd weapon perk then I'd rather stick to orb gen.



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            • Pulling bounties from the app barely works why take about the best way to become charged with light



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              • These guys cannot just leave well enough alone. It’s always something they want to change.



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              • Sad thing is they are still gonna do it anyway bungie doesn't really care bout feedback only thing they listen to is money.



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