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1/13/2022 6:13:07 PM

Orb mods are highly unnecessary and will hurt the game more than help it.

These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods. It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs. Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…



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  • Is it that most people are just being emotional, or do you all actually think Bungie is “too stupid” or “so lazy” that they don’t fully understand the impact of these changes. I understand the anti-Bungie bandwagon that rolls through during times like these, but come on… This is a calculated decision by them to reign in our capabilities in game. Thinking that they’re uninformed or unaware of what these changes mean is just ignorant. We [i]should[/i] be more upset that it’s being dressed up as a quality of life improvement when it’s clearly a power nerf.



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  • So their reasoning for the orb change is because they're gonna have some new quest/bounty/challenge that requires making orbs with the new weapon crafting thing. And since they don't want you to have to masterwork every weapon for the 30 minutes it might take to make the orbs they made it a mod. How about you just make the cost to masterwork half of what it is now, or make it give back more/all the resources when you breakdown the weapon? Adding yet another mod as a bandaid for something that could be fixed with a slight change elsewhere, that won't disrupt people's builds, is unnecessary.



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  • I'm almost done with this game to be honest, nerf after nerf, regrind after regrind, making all your previous play worthless, what's the point any more...



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    • Bungie: *Looks at the top 50 threads*



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    • Waiting for Tess silver option to add orbs back to weapons perk.



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    • My question is why the hell can't currently masterworked weapons keep their orb creation???? Would it hurt so much to have a mod (arms NOT THE HELMET) for orbs IN ADDITION to being able to masterwork individual weapons if you so choose? No we don't get to play the game the way we want.



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    • Mods, mods, mods , mods , mods, mods



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    • I just logged onto the forum to read through todays comments, and the 25 posts on the first page are all to do with the upcoming mod changes. I wish there was this much backlash when they said they were going to introduce stasis.



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    • Bungie has made a series of bad decisions for years, but ever sense Sunsetting, Transmog, no Dungeons for basic edition of Witch Queen and charging for a recycled weapon with the 30th pack they have made many bad decisions in a row. This follows the trend of bad ideas and seems like something that is not needed. Maybe if they explain it in more detail it may make more sense, but as of now it seems like its not teh best idea. What will happen with current MW weapons? Will they no longer make motes? Are they adding an additional slot for this new mod?



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    • Yes, why add overdue exotic catalysts the community have been waiting years for when they can instead introduce new orb mods that nobody asked for. I thought that many of the catalysts that are not yet in the final game had already been created in databases. I'm sure I saw something ages ago about a malfeasance catalyst giving a range boost. If these catalysts already exist, why not just add them in. And if they don't already exist, surely some stat bumps and additional weapon perks couldn't be too time-consuming to push.



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    • You guys fail to see there’s other mods besides taking charge. Actually some are better and easier to proc especially in end game content where you might not be able to run over and pick up an orb without getting killed or relying on a teammate. Yeah this change sucks, but it’s not the end of the world or build crafting



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    • the only saving grace for this IF and only IF they modify it so that it's not element based, AND free ammo for everyone - but I see them having it as an optional mod for weapons crafting - so you have to sacrifice one of the non-intrinsics if you want ammo



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    • They should have made it so that exotics always create orbs and reduce the cost of masterworking weapons



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    • Boycott the mods. Don’t use them.



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      • Convoluted for no good reason, that's the Bungie way.



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      • Looks like I'm never generating orbs with weapons ever again. Heavy ammo is too vital to give up a slot + energy for an orb mod instead.



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        • 由A KOOL POP TART編輯: 1/14/2022 3:51:48 AM
          God -blam!- damnit bungie... There goes ALL my carefully modded builds that rely on orbs. Nobody is going to run your stupid helmet mods because everyone is out for themselves. Ditch this "everyone should be friends" mentality you keep trying to push. Gamers are selfish....



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          • [quote]Each such mod will apply the Orb-generation effect to all weapons you have equipped of a particular damage type, so a single mod will cover multiple weapons in your arsenal if they share a damage type.[/quote] I believe this is stupid idea. To generate orbs, I have to change helmet armor when weapon changed.



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            • They need to revert this. Just give all exotics catalysts ffs



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              • It’s going to suck, especially if the mods are energy type specific. If I have to put on a Solar helmet to generate orbs with a Solar weapon, it going to be very frustrating. The only upside I see is that Wavesplitter will now be able to activate its own perk. This could be handled another way however…



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                • Thay should make all exotic weapons create orbs by default even without a catalyst



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                • Let's wait to see how it plays out. I get the quick outrage but we haven't even seen the mods yet, or even have a total grasp of the changes they are making. I'm not going to get upset over this yet.



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                  • Here is a question, if we get 2-3 energy and an extra mod slot, does this change anyones opinion?



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                    • To be fair the change is to probably facilitate the objective that withe weapon crafting table will have. I'm guessing certain perks you'll have to unlock by generating orbs of a certain weapon type. I'm guessing it will come at a low if not free energy cost. Making the master armor from the new dungeon that much more valuable cayse jf the additional mod socket.



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                      • 18
                        At this point, why even work for anything in the game? Anything you get or grind hundreds of hours for will be useless in a matter of months, with Bungie disrespecting time spent on the game yet again. Just stop playing. Hop on sometimes maybe for a few hours, because the gunplay is fun and engaging, and maybe a few of your friends still play, but just stop mindlessly grinding. It's pointless. Everything you work for and keep around in hope that it will be useful one day just gets more and more useless as time goes on. Until you aren't willing to do the above, it will just keep getting worse.



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                      • All this BS because they’re too lazy to make catalyst for the rest of the exotics… what a joke of a company



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