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由SYKEVANDAL編輯: 1/4/2022 7:19:14 PM
It exists wherever the least amount of catastrophic damage was inflicted on the surface of the planet. Does it really matter what the former designation of nationality or borderlines were?!? The “cultural implications” seem petty to bring up as a discussion of relevance.



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  • It actually exists where the traveler is, not because of damage necessarily. As the name suggests, this post is about culture, not nations or borders. Factoring in other cultures actually adds much more depth to the narrative and storytelling without having to explicitly make it a major part of the storyline. Claiming it's petty is a poor attempt at reduction.



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  • Your implied assumption that cultural identities remain in-tact in a post war future where most of civilization has been annihilated and only a few survivors have banded together to seek sanctuary and attempt to carry on with life tells me you don’t have a firm grasp on the tolls of war. But fine, if it makes you enjoy the story more, knock yourself out.



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  • Bruh Amanda Holliday has a southern drawl, much of Osiris' aesthetic is based on ancient Egypt, and much of the Last City utilizes Medieval terms and beliefs. You're gonna really argue that culture doesn't survive when there's plenty of examples showing otherwise?



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • [quote]Bruh Amanda Holliday has a southern drawl,…[/quote] Which “culture” would that Southern drawl be indicative of? [quote]…much of Osiris' aesthetic is based on ancient Egypt,…[/quote] Ask yourself if Mythology is culturally exclusive or global. Just because someone calls themself Osiris and adopts Egyptian motif, are they by default Egyptian? [quote]…and much of the Last City utilizes Medieval terms and beliefs.[/quote] What you are referring to is called “symbolism”. It was called “The Dark Ages”. The parallels are intentional. [quote]…You're gonna really argue that culture doesn't survive when there's plenty of examples showing otherwise?[/quote] I am not arguing with you at all. I am making a statement regarding the irrelevant nature of “culture” in the face of global extermination. I am presenting the case that a single individual, by themselves, is incapable of assuring the survival of an entire culture. So far, you have yet to produce more than one of each “cultural” archetype. Statistically that would be improbable unless the totality of the population were reduced to such a small subset of the original as to allow for no consistent single cultural footprint. In other words, the occupants of the last city are the remnants of the entire planet. 100’s of nations, 1000’s of cultures, reduced to a commingled mob of survivalists. Culture is irrelevant where survival is uncertain. Are you willing to remove yourself from the population to ensure the survival of the human race? Or is it more important that your culture lives on through you? So long as you continue to pursue the pathway of righteousness of your conviction, the truth will elude you.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Also, what makes you think it's just these individuals within the continuity that would be preserving these aspects of different cultures? These individuals realistically cannot exist in a vacuum from the Golden Age til now. Don't get me wrong, an accent being preserved for 100 years is unlikely, let alone 200 years after a collapse which is why it's indicative of something more regarding the lore. It's strange you say it's irrelevant, not a high priority? Sure, but the fact that ANY cultures survive, that includes European cultures, speaks volumes to the storyline. Brushing it off is just lazy.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Fair enough.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Q: Which “culture” would that Southern drawl be indicative of? A: The American south [quote]…much of Osiris' aesthetic is based on ancient Egypt,…[/quote] Q: Ask yourself if Mythology is culturally exclusive or global. Just because someone calls themself Osiris and adopts Egyptian motif, are they by default Egyptian? A: Regardless if it's exclusive or global its a clear indication how well a culture such as Egyptian mythology is preserved for a Guardian to base their entire essence around Q: What you are referring to is called “symbolism”. It was called “The Dark Ages”. The parallels are intentional. A: A better term would be "archetype" if you wanna split hairs. Q: I am not arguing with you at all. I am making a statement regarding the irrelevant nature of “culture” in the face of global extermination. I am presenting the case that a single individual, by themselves, is incapable of assuring the survival of an entire culture. So far, you have yet to produce more than one of each “cultural” archetype. Statistically that would be improbable unless the totality of the population were reduced to such a small subset of the original as to allow for no consistent single cultural footprint. In other words, the occupants of the last city are the remnants of the entire planet. 100’s of nations, 1000’s of cultures, reduced to a commingled mob of survivalists. Culture is irrelevant where survival is uncertain. Are you willing to remove yourself from the population to ensure the survival of the human race? Or is it more important that your culture lives on through you? So long as you continue to pursue the pathway of righteousness of your conviction, the truth will elude you. A: As long winded as that part was, culture still has a place even during times of pure survival. It could even be said that survival further shapes cultures and vice versa like in the Last City. After all, isn't that part of Destiny's story? People will inevitably provide elements from their own backgrounds once survival is more guaranteed.



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