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1/3/2022 10:12:51 PM
Guess what.....I don't care where the Last City is.....why? When the First Collapse happened.....Cities, Towns, Countries, Nations, Kingdoms all Fell. Which is why the Last City is called the LAST City. And not Washington or Beijing, or New York's the World beginning anew. Everyone United under 1 Being. Not as separate people...but as one. Also, Old Items..... begin to Degrade over time. It's been bat least 5-7 hundred years since the Collapse. Only thing we will fossils. Unless its golden age Tech.



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  • [quote]Guess what.....I don't care where the Last City is.....why? When the First Collapse happened.....Cities, Towns, Countries, Nations, Kingdoms all Fell. Which is why the Last City is called the LAST City. And not Washington or Beijing, or New York's the World beginning anew. Everyone United under 1 Being. Not as separate people...but as one. Also, Old Items..... begin to Degrade over time. It's been bat least 5-7 hundred years since the Collapse. Only thing we will fossils. Unless its golden age Tech.[/quote] More likely id say its in belarus or ukraine considering its proximity to the cosmodrome and its located in russia



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  • I apologize for coming off rude. Reading your comment came off as confrontational and my response definitely didn't help the situation. I understand where you're coming from. My post is focused on how the topic effects the theory as well as lore as a whole as natives are still here whether in modern cities or rural villages which, regarding lore, have munitions, community, and lack of interplanetary tech (which would make them Eliksni targets) so they would hypothetically have a pretty good chance at survival. This isn't to diminish what the Last City stands for, its meant to delve deeper into the lore but I appreciate your comment.



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  • You didn't come off rude. My point is, Pre- Collapse Culture, a Majority of it was Abandoned. And the Main Points....Walls, Leadership,Army is the Focaul Point of Humanity. Take away Electricity, Farms,Walls,Army ECT, humanity drops to a Primitive State. They Search for Protection and Leadership. Native Cultures die out. That's what's shown is a New Culture takes it's place. This happens in Real Life. Especially today. The only thing people dig for is Golden Age Tech. What's within that Golden Age Tech is what they then adopt. The Eliksni even adopted Human Culture. They act more like Humans then Eliksni. It's because they have little to no Record of the Past. Which = to the Guardians as since they have no Memory of the Past, especially Record's of their past, it Shape's them Anew. It's like: The Giver You understand where I'm coming from?



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  • Eh, I felt like I was rude lol but thank you. You have a point about abandoning civilizations but I think what separates these native communities from more industrial counterparts is independence from globalized resources and tech that alien species would be looking for and a sense of unity without a centralized leadership. A good example are the Zapatistas of Mexico where basic necessities are met without needing to import goods. Sure occasional skirmishes may happen with aliens but we've seen native communities in these regions take on entire governments without needing a central leader. On top of that I think there was an ornament for Thunderlord called Tlaloc (the Mexica deity representing rain) so to some extent it would hint of someone in some armory was familiar with native deities and legends. Yeah it's been a long time since the collapse but if people can still talk of paladins and other terms rooted in European ancestry, some still even have a southern drawl, then it doesn't seem that crazy that self sufficient native communities would have a place and influence within the D2 narrative at some point during Golden Age, the Collapse, and the Last City. As a final point, I LOVE the giver lol



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  • The Reason why the Term "Paladin" is used is because Destiny was Originally designed as a Medieval Syfy. They thus cut the Medieval aspect and went with just Syfy. It's homage to the Original Vision. Mara, Remembering, knew of the Rulership of Old. Thus becoming a Queen and using that way of Life. Matriarch Society. From what the Cryptarc's talk about, they are more interested in Golden Age Tech and how they were Developed. So, instead of learning of Native people before the Collapse (our day) the Natives to learn about are Golden Age Tech/Researchers.



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  • Good for you? That's a very emotional and poetic point but there's plenty of examples of conflict between members of the city. The main point is that realistically yeah its the Last City but its definitely not the only settlement with survivors. A narrative like that is too sterile. If its a matter of "it's their game and this is how they decided to do it" that's fine, its just lazy storytelling.



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