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由Talia Sendua編輯: 12/19/2021 7:06:08 PM

The sole reason why I dislike playing Burning Maul (both PvP and PvE), is, because of the Throwing Hammer.

I don't know about you folks, but the small throwing hammer is a skill element on the Burning Maul skilltree that annoys me on a personal level. Not because it is ordinary strong or weak, but simply because it doesn't suit how I usually play the game (also not really a fan of throwable things like throwing knifes - Blade Barrage ones aside). Surely, there are some players that love this skill tree and play the hell out of it. But honestly, I would never, even with it being a Tier 3 super now next to Thundercrash, pick the subclass voluntarily to play. That could change, if, for example, we Titans would get an exotic that makes the Throwing Hammer an explosive that deals higher damage on direct hits in exchange for not being able to pick it up anymore and a longer CD. Throwing the Hammer, following it and picking it up is for me a super boring and super annoying mechanic in the game. The community has expressed often enough in the past they would like to have an exotic that makes the Hammer "re-callable" like Thor in Marvel Comics can do or something similar... For those of you enjoying the skilltree, wanna tell me what you like and dislike about it? I would like to know.



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