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由clanfounder編輯: 12/17/2021 3:10:15 PM

Clan Banner Designer for everyone

Hey, I've seen a topic like that from 2017 but i couldn't comment on that so i've decided to create a new one. Would it be possible to give every Clan Member the opportunity to create clan banners and share them with the rest of the clan to decide which one they want to pick? I don't say every clan member should be able to actually change the clan banner but create one and share the design with the members and the admins so they can vote on one they want to have. If that's not possible: Maybe there's a smart website designer that can provide a third party clan banner designer tool on another website? I've googled a bit but i couldn't find one yet. P.S. Another question related to a third party banner designer tool: Is it allowed to copy the original code from the clan banner creator site? I don't know if this is possible but i can imagine that it'd help to reduce the amount of work for any web designer to create a tool like that. #stillathing



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