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由Void編輯: 12/13/2021 3:09:24 PM

Well still weak in PvP

I was playing custom games with my friends and one is a new-light, being a warlock. I saw him have his well in the center of the map on bannerfall. I didn’t think much of what I planned to do, which was shoot him with lorentz until I absolutely one shotted him (no damage buffs shot to the head). I thought this was a fluke of some sort. fast forward to when I was back on warlock in another custom game with a different friend, one who excels with lorentz. I placed my well, he one tapped me. so then I wondered, why is the sword able to be shattered and broken when the buffs from the patch not too long ago barely even help it be good especially when so many guns render it useless? well is basically anti personnel (if that) and doesn’t fit in any particular role that well in pvp. maybe lorentz does too much headshot damage or something. I haven’t seen arbalest be used in this case but I love the well of radiance subclass just not the super. the well’s kryptonite is a stasis team using linears, there’s barely anything you can do to help it, plus if you try to place a well and peak shoot the little tracer from the sword reveals the exact moment which you peak so it basically gave my linear loving friend a heads up on when and when not to shoot. I hope Solar 3.0 has something in the works for this but it’s disheartening for this to be overlooked. as if the super didn’t feel weak enough already. :/ edit: punctuation.



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