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由Yavna on 512編輯: 12/11/2021 11:55:05 AM

Is this still Destiny or already another shooter?

PvP is quite a complex construct, and ensuring a consistently entertaining gaming experience is certainly a challenging matter. On the one hand, tension should be a factor by limiting one-sided matches through skill-averaging parameters and on the other hand, PvP should be an action-packed and effect-rich space battle where wow experiences are not the exception. At the moment, PvP in D2 is unfortunately developing in such a way that you have the feeling that you are playing an ordinary shooter; probably due to the fact that more use is made of gunskill and firepower and less of gameplay and abilities in order to show it to the opponent. I wanted to know what the reason for this could be and took the liberty of starting an analysis and was able to identify 3 different PvP player types: Destiny players, bots and hybrids. It may be all well and good if a certain tension resonates in a PvP match.....ultimately, however, a close match ending does not automatically mean that I had fun. If the match feels like a Cod/Halo/Battlefield and no longer like a Destiny due to bots that predominantly prefer high firepower, then an essential thing is simply missing that can't really be compensated for by tension. In the concept presented here, I was not only able to identify 3 PvP player types, but I also recommend a percentage-based lobby split (please see attached image). [b]However, this should not be misunderstood as a skill-based division of player strengths, which could ensure a more balanced match. Rather, it serves to give Destiny more uniqueness again by keeping the proportion of bots and hybrids - all of whom do not want to play Destiny but a purebred shooter - small in the player search.[/b] The lobby should therefore consist mainly of the "Destiny Player" type of player (80%). Bots and hybrids should not exceed a percentage of 20%. Once you have identified these 3 player types and divided them up as recommended for the player search, I am pretty sure that this will have a positive effect on the PvP experience. Appendix (1 image)



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