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11/28/2021 12:44:21 AM
Playing some Osiris this season. Just wondering how Bungie can call the pvp comparative. This term is definitive, not anything we gamers fantasies nor imagine. We expect this to be competitive as in sport, no cheating nor immoral competition. I am a gamer with long experience and the gaming experience is to obvious leaning to players with great(low) ping and latency get bungied with the gamers with none great latency/ping. If we could compared this with in real world, gamers pay a lot to have good connection and hardware, which should give good experience. Drivers pay a lot to have good safety and horsepowers, get get what they want, a good experience. I would really want to know if Bungie think they deliver a product that the user expect it should be, or is the opinion of the users only like the quality of the competitive experience of the game? Maybe some suggestions!? Give an experience of the pvp to actually make the gamers feel that if they have better latency/ping, it should be a better game experience and not the opposite. Add a ping bar on the score board, we know you don't want us to see the truth but we all know the truth always is better than hiding it. BS. Read the topic as B= Bungie and if they do not make this gaming experience as we gamers expect of pvp, read it as big B as big f. And for the record. I don't care about excuses anymore, I am a engineer with network experience and also have a master degree in entertainment, digital design and human interaction technology. Professional Gamer experience for about 20 years. And we gamers pay more for less. In any other entertainment or industri this go upwards. But gaming go downwards.



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