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11/26/2021 11:08:10 PM

The Soccer Ball in Tower Hanger has been gone since Season of Arrivals!

The soccer ball located in the dead center of the Tower Hanger, by Saint's ship, has been gone since The Season of Arrivals when all of the refugee crates and boxes were added. The ball was used in the Hanger in conjunction with the holographic soccer nets on either side of the Hanger Bay. There are controls for the goalies to temporarily lift the big blocker plates in the center of the Hanger to use defensively. Upon getting (I think it was 3) goals in one of the goalposts the whole outside of the hanger would light up with fireworks in a celebration of the winning team. All of this functionality is still there, however when placing the planetary refugee props part way through the Arrivals story, someone must have moved the ball while arranging things and forgot to put it back. This then got shipped to retail and the ball was lost, along with our dreams. This is a travesty and we need our blessed ball back. What with The Farm gone this is the only way to play soccer and it's been a year without our good friend "the ball" in our lives. Please Bungie, I beg you, bring him back! Respectfully, A Soccer loving Lobster



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