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由WidowRyder編輯: 3/8/2022 4:33:09 PM

Clan recruitment- Parents of Destiny EU

Hi, I'm a father of one and I wanted to put together a clan that brings parents together. Because I know we don't have the as much time as others to be online. I hope as many of you parents will join. I game on a ps5 and my time zone is GMT +1. Every platform is welcome but I will in the start only be taking in people from the EU, if this grows fast we will expand our time zone. I will do my best to make this the clan and platform for us to relax and play together. I have made a discord that I will be working on and will try to make it make it better when I have the time, if there is anyone who is willing to help with this who joins the clan I would appreciate that so that we will have a better way to communicate. I play everything from patrols to raids, but I am no expert in this game. Hope to see you out there. Requirements: Be a parent 18+ Friendly Living in EU If you would like to join comment on this where you are from.



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