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10/26/2021 6:37:52 PM

New rarity of class item with intrinsic emotes?

Just a thought I had recently. I was wondering if we could maybe have a new armor rarity so as not to affect the system of only one exotic equipped at a time. The rarity would only exist for Class items and would be a kind of exotic in its own right as it would have an exclusive intrinsic emote that incorporates the class item somehow(I have some basic ideas if deemed worthy to explore further). Could be implemented as an endgame reward such as a raid loot drop or pinnacle item similar to what the anarchy ornament is this season. If this proves worthy to try to implement all I ask is a little bit of initial consultation on the design of the first one after that it's all yours. I appreciate whoever at Bungie took the time to read this as well as everyone else whose time and hard work go in everyday to make destiny a genuine joy to play.



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