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10/25/2021 5:50:21 AM

How do so many people like freelance Trials???

This is by far one of the WORST Trials experiences I have ever had. Everyone on the other team acts extremely coordinated without even being in game chat, yet the teammates I always get are acting like they've never played the game before. Heroes run off and think they can take on the entire enemy team by themselves (to no surprise, they die). One dude had even stopped mid round and was IN HIS MENU! This is not enjoyable at all. Trials is endgame. It should be about teamwork and build synergy. Sure, matchmaking seems to have been a good thing for duos and solos who simply want to play Trials, but an entire separate playlist is too far. I don't know if it's just the matchmaking for Freelance isn't dialed in all the way, but rolling solo in either playlist feels the exact same. Please don't make this a permanent change. Implement a harsher penalty for backing out of matches and Trials will be near perfect.



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  • I kept saying that freelance would have the same issues but you all kept saying I was wrong. Nice to see I’m right and you all can’t learn from the past since we had this EXACT same issue with IB and Comp freelance. You all just move on to the new excuse and the cycle continues 😂



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  • 由Dismay編輯: 10/25/2021 7:29:00 PM
    I had fun besides the games where my teammates didn’t realize you could sprint in the game, had a few openly sabotage my card, and others quit the second we went down a single round. Oh, and others who hold super for several rounds just to take it to orbit. Seriously, some people just shouldn’t be in the playlist. Still don’t think it should stay and prioritizing MM in one pool is the move.



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  • Well think about it. If your opponents are always coordinated then odds are they’re having a good experience. Just because you aren’t having a good experience doesn’t mean everyone isn’t as well. It’s the nature of competition. For there to be a winner it means somebody has to lose. If you win every game it means you’re dooming your opponents to have bad games. Yes winning is selfish, because you are doing so at the expense of the other team. Their anger/disappointment/sadness is the cost of your happiness.



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    • i like it, at least i don't have to fight against 3 stack players



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    • I liked it, had some great teammates and some bad ones. Some matches I did well, some mediocre, and some terrible. I don't expect to go flawless ever but it was nice getting some weapons. One person suggested removing the ability to go flawless in freelance. I don't know about anyone else but I'd be fine with that. That could be the loot pool and the real trials mode could be the one where people go for flawless.



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    • Looks like someone got mad they can't stack against randoms anymore.



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      • It's fun, the solo trials is a fun map, I am not worried about getting flawless when I play and just play for fun. People take the game so seriously and push the fun out of the events. It's a game it's fun and the loot looks cool, the music is also awesome, keep the map going.



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        • matches are pretty lopsided still as team balancing is broken and you basically only play shatterdive hunters.



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          • The rage quitting on Sunday morning was annoying. But I think the real issue is that too many people think that they're going to walk into Freelance and go flawless.....and then get mad when they don't. If you want to go flawless.....get a team and go into the regular list. Freelance is basically there for solo players to get a chance to play, and get access to the REGULAR loot pool. While not getting curbstomped every other match.



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            • 由A_mo編輯: 10/25/2021 2:50:08 PM
              I think a lot of it is just luck tbh. Even if its that special Bungie assisted luck. One thing I noticed is there is just such a difference between two types of players that play this game. One that pays attention to what their teammates are doing and only separates if they are pretty sure it will work out, and one that just doesn't do that. And that last type is going to be playing the game so they have to end up matched with someone. I also notice from playing on premade teams with people that there are some people that just can't coordinate if they aren't communicating. That's probably more likely to be the case if the person doesn't play as often because you'll have less experience with the possible possibilities of what your teammates may or may not do. But I've definitely had strings of matches where I'm the best person on my team and my teammates are just not very good then everyone on the other team is better than all of us. And it seems like a lot of people have had that experience so I'm not sure what it is that causes the game to do that.



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            • [quote]This is by far one of the WORST Trials experiences I have ever had. Everyone on the other team acts extremely coordinated without even being in game chat, yet the teammates I always get are acting like they've never played the game before. Heroes run off and think they can take on the entire enemy team by themselves (to no surprise, they die). One dude had even stopped mid round and was IN HIS MENU! This is not enjoyable at all. Trials is endgame. It should be about teamwork and build synergy. Sure, matchmaking seems to have been a good thing for duos and solos who simply want to play Trials, but an entire separate playlist is too far. I don't know if it's just the matchmaking for Freelance isn't dialed in all the way, but rolling solo in either playlist feels the exact same. Please don't make this a permanent change. Implement a harsher penalty for backing out of matches and Trials will be near perfect.[/quote] Just played my first match, and left after few rounds - typically you have someone clinging on to lazy, desperate weapons.... but who can blame them, they really those rewards. But once I'm back on, I will give it a proper go and see how it goes. But I will be honest with you, I have no issue at all with Bungie given harsher penalties for leaving but don't think, for one moment that that will make Trials near perfect.... it never will be for as long as people are desperate and lazy for the rewards.



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              • It’s fair. Sometimes you will get good teammates, and other times you will get potatoes. As long as you have reasonable expectations, you will have a good time. I see a lot of people with .5 KDs complaining about the matchmaking, but trials is supposed to be an end game activity.



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