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10/19/2021 11:29:09 PM

Regarding the seasonal model and dungeons not being included after Witch Queen

Just bump up the price of the season pass, y'all. Dungeons being excluded from the seasonal pass model after they originally became incredible bonus content that was almost entirely funded through Eververse (I'm talking about Whisper and Zero Hour, as far as I recall reading from an old interview) to being separate purchases is so bizarre and confusing. This game is already so fragmented in its content timeline it's so hard to love this game and recommend it to new players without holding their hand through everything and helping them parse through the lore and the timeline. This is only if they're still interested by the time they realize they can't access the old content and have to watch a 4-hour video from Byf. I could totally understand if this direct purchase avenue opens up the current revenues to be funding even bigger projects we don't know about or the [b]free[/b] legacy content we're on track to receive every 3 months post-Witch Queen, but I'd much rather take the hit to my wallet every 3 or so months when I buy that pass, y'all. Even if the legacy content is Leviathan, a raid I'm sure many players just think needs to be copied and pasted back into the game, players need to understand that the reason we haven't had new PvP maps in years is because they were hard at working porting over the current ones when they upgraded the engine for Beyond Light! It doesn't sound perfect but I know you folks at Bungie are putting in hard work to miraculously make this game. Regular MMOs out there have monthly subs from between $10-15 a [b]month[/b] and Bungie has been killing it with the polish of our story content, weapon designs (we all love our Lorentz Star Wars Driver) and the ever increasing amount of writing being put in front of the player rather than the old days of Grimoire Cards. We have a solid bargain deal of $10 (+ $40 for whatever expansion we're on but that's also standard for other MMOs) every [b]3 or so months[/b]. Any complaints about delays or extra time we've had lately can be taken up with the still rampaging pandemic we have been in so even more kudos to Bungie for being as consistent as they have been. So yeah, make me pay like $15-20 instead and throw in some more bonus silver or transmog bounties to stop people from arguing about it.



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