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由Talia Sendua編輯: 9/21/2021 12:17:28 PM

The Problem I see with Solo Players and Destiny (Long read)

Hello everyone. For some time now I did voice my opinion against making activities within Destiny 2 more and more Solo-focused or Solo-friendly with comments in various threads. But I think this topic deserves its own post. So here we go. To say at first, no, I don't hate you Solo players. I just dislike your demands very much. The reason for this is, because Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 are meant to be a "social game experience", similar to how World of Warcraft was in its early days. To explain a bit more about this, a brief recap of how WoW was in the early days of its MMO-lifetime: Back then, when it launched in 2004, the game was new and a unique experience. The content in the game massively incentified to play with others in groups, making new contacts with players and making new friends to play with. Over the time, the game was changed (similar how it happens now with some activities in Destiny 2) to allow people with social handicaps, anxieties or no interest in playing in pre-made groups to play activities easier. This was made by creating the "Dungeonbrowser" and the "Raidbrowser", both tools for solo players to quickly find Dungeon- and Raidgroups via Matchmaking. And while this seems fair, it had a creeping effect that was for a long time not seen. Those two "Browsers" are major reason, why the community stopped more and more relying on groups for such content and just simply using the "browsers" or doing quick runs with randoms via group-search (within the Browser-tools) to get content quickly done, resulting in people less and less making new contacts and new friends. The social experience started to crumble. Today, not only due to bad decisions in expansion design, WoW has a problem with its community. From my experience most players just join up, do their stuff within the matchmade group and quit the group again after doing so. Social interaction (especially on non-english realms) is mostly only visible via the trading chat. Regional chat? Dead. Group chat? Aside from toxic responses or a few good people actually using it, dead. There are literally videos from Content Creators making comparisons how the community changed over years due to game features. But to bring this back into relation with Destiny 2... I don't want such a derailing experience for Destiny 2. For Trials I can understand the matchmaking to be offered to everyone, but I see it as a complete mistake to add a Solo-playlist via Freelance to Trials. And now solo players ask now even to add freelance to control. Do you not know how your demands affect the game for us social players more and more? Every freelance playlist in pvp takes away players from the general player pool. Every added change to benefit solo players CAN hurt the experience for social players like me. An example, imagine for a moment that control has freelance. All the solo players (and I mean literally all) go into said freelance playlist. This means in the general playlist ONLY stacks remain. And this will absolutely affect the matchmaking. Unless there are many 2-3-player stacks in MM to balance it out a bit, it is very likely that stacks with 5 player never will get a 6th player per matchmaking, which means such stacks will always miss 1 player, increasing their matchmaking times til the system finally decides after a few minutes of searching "fine, let's start the game 5v6" and puts the 5-stack into a team disadvantage. 2-2-2 vs 2-2-2 will still work. 3-3 vs. 3-3 will still work. 4-2 vs 4-2 will still work. 6 vs 6 will still work. But 5-stacks are basically screwed and HAVE to either LET DOWN 1 player of their team OR HAVE TO find a 6th player to become a 6-stack. As I said, this will ruin the matchmaking for such groups, aside from the general matchmaking time increase IF all solo players would exclusively use freelance. Now surely this is an "extreme" situation, but I hope you get my point. Another thing that Solo players do ruin with their demands for social players: Legend/Master Lost Sectors! Sure, they are not hard (at least the legendary ones) but they become boring quickly too. Every time a new season comes around or a new expansion (for example Beyond Light) I and literally everyone else in this game HAS TO PLAY THE LOST SECTORS SOLO, if we want new exotic armour items. And since there is no knockout-list that prevents old drops before getting new ones, makes it even worse. Sure, if you solo players enjoy playing alone, this is your thing. But changes like this make the game for social players like me very unfun. I personally don't enjoy grinding Legend Lost Sectors over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, hoping that I get an exotic and not just cores AND even then also hoping it is not an old exotic. And I know that I am not alone with this feeling. I am sorry, but this is not fun. In the hours it can take at worst due to RNG, I could play so much other fun stuff with friends instead. But no, every expansion I am FORCED to play this ONE ACTIVITY ALONE if I want new exotics I paid for via Season Pass and Yearly Expansion, instead of them just being general drops like every other exotic. I HAVE to UNLOCK them first as drop, unless I never want to get one of them to drop. This is basically the same annoying feeling as if you Solo players are FORCED to play with a pre-made group Trials before to even access the activity or to play a Raid. Nightfalls got matchmaking. Trials got Matchmaking. Raids still have the "Guided Games" (not sure how many players actually use this). The more activities get matchmaking, especially Freelance, the more you take away the social game from Destiny 2, similar how it declined in World of Warcraft over time. And one day, just solo players play it, running around alone and only using Matchmaking when they have to do certain activities. This is a future I don't want to see for Destiny. Back in D1 I had a friendlist full of people constantly asking me to help them in activities. Even strangers did ask for help. Most of these "help me"-asking resulted in more friends I could add to my list. These days in D2, I almost never get asked to help out by anyone, since they either just use matchmaking, ask for a filler for a quick run or not at all because they have their main group to do such activities. This is why D1 Veterans will always refeer to D1 days as "the good times", because back then we had a much better social game experience. Oh and I should not forget to mention that since the social game dies out in WoW also the playerbase is declining, additionally to all the bad decision the game got with the expansions. The day Destiny is not longer a social game but a solo-player-online game is probably also the day people like me quit playing it and move on to an other game that did not lost its roots. Thank you for reading. Please keep in mind, that I speak about my concerns. As I said, I do not hate solo players. I just dislike what changes made to benefit them does to the game for the other players.



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  • I agree with you. Except for one thing: Destiny 2's problem per SE isn't that it has Solo Ques. It's that it was made much easier than D1 That is why no one reaches out anymore. [u]Before the seasonal matchmaking events, we had double the amount of pinnacles vs the weeklies in D1. [/u] The rest though... Yeah. End game things like Trials, Raids and IB should be done in a Social Setting. It helps correct problems that struggling players might have from a gear stand point to positioning to abating fear of social anxieties. Many REAL clans fell apart in Destiny 2 as result no or limited contact. Now, everyone is cluttered in 100+ player clans that you'd rarely see them playing with. My #2 in SGI has stated many times back in the early years of the game that he doesn't need me. His inferior builds get him through activites that normal would be though to have a FT for. The game is absurdly easy, if it wasn't so massive I'd prolly would've found another game to play where I'd have more interactions.



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