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10/4/2021 6:29:48 PM

Unable to disband clan

Okay, I've seen posts about this before, yet every solution outside of "contact bungie" which is vague and unhelpful, have failed so far. Thus, I appeal for help on the forums. I'm sorry if this comes across as cross, but at this point I've spent three days of my time trying to leave this blamed clan and I'm frankly tired of dealing with it. I've kicked all members except myself, since they all wanted to go to different clans anyways. So far I've tried: 1. Trying to disband from in-game: can't, because even though I'm the last member and I've kicked all the others, it still says there are 4 non-existent members. 2. Trying to disband from in the companion app: gives me the option, but no matter how many times I press it or refresh, it's not working. 3. Trying from the online site: same as the app, except it says I "don't have permission to do this" even though I'm the founder. 4. I'm not going to try to pawn this off to another account because I don't want to go through the process of making another steam account or whatever until it's this absolute last option. And no, im not going to trick someone into this issue either, that's just cruel. If your advice is "contact bungie" please leave a link to where to contact them, because I've searched and there is nowhere to submit problems with the clan system or the companion app.



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