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9/15/2021 7:36:30 PM

Feedback from a Former Guardian

Dear Bungie, Thank you for working so hard to create such a fantastic game with arguably the most polished gunfights I have ever played in a video game. Below is my experience as well as some feedback from someone who does not play anymore but very much wants to. With over 1500 hours of playtime since Destiny launched, its safe to say that I love Destiny and want to see it succeed. Destiny is an awesome world with great game mechanics but I stopped playing it about a year ago. I am a very competitive player -blam!- crushing my fellow guardians in the crucible. However, I stopped playing because my gaming time had become limited enough that it was taking me multiple weeks to get my power level to the required number to be competitive in the end game events (Iron Banner, Trials, even Raids). This meant I was researching to find the best way to power level as well as completing everything I could to be the most efficient, which often meant I was playing the things that I didn't want to play so I could get a number next to my name higher. In short, it became a job instead of a fun game. Now that trials is back and has been getting some good reviews I have really looked into getting back into the game as in my opinion the crucible experience is the best first person experience of any game. To do this though I cannot commit to a daily schedule of replaying missions or fighting NPC's or even weeks worth of playing crucible before I can play a game type I know I have plenty of skill to be competitive in. I know that I am not alone in this so below is some points that I would make as well as what I would humbly propose as a suggestion to help players like me come back to the game that you and I so love: --I understand the necessity of having a power level as well as a barrier for the uninitiated to cross before getting to the endgame. --Artifact power leveling was a great addition to Destiny and helps players progress faster as well as more consistently Suggestion: Re-introduce Artifact power leveling into trials and iron-banner with a cap that allows for players who can enter the fray be competitive without maxing out their base power-level. The cap also prevents the issue of someone who has more xp being better just because they play more. The hours it takes to get your power-level up to the hard cap and beyond is a daunting task for someone like me and too great of an entry price as of now to get back into the game that I love. Please trust your game enough that it can carry itself on loot incentives and crazy fun game types. There is no need to artificially drive players to explore your game using a number next to their names when it is as good as it is now. In my humble opinion it is time for power-levels, however necessary, to stop being the driving factor for gameplay. Not when you have a game as cool as Destiny 2. Thank you for reading my feedback and I hope this somehow reaches Bungies eyes If you agree with this please leave a comment on this or upvote it. Sincerely, A Hopeful Guardian



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