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8/18/2021 4:49:48 AM

Eyes of Tomorrow Drop Chance Bugged

Alright here we go. My wife and I have been doing DSC since it came out. We have a fireteam of 6 that do it almost every week (and on 3 characters). We all have eyes of tomorrow (and descendent title) except my wife. She has completed the DSC raid 43 times as of today and not gotten it. Its pretty ridiculous and something has to be wrong. I ran the probability of this happening (using a binary distribution and an average drop rate of 26% (starting at 5% and each time increasing the percentage by 1% until 48%)) and the odds of this happening are .000238%. It definitely feels bugged. Just to make sure we are clear on this. We only run it once per character each week. There is a possibility that she did it maybe a couple times on the same character in the week, but it would still be close to the same probability. If someone could look into this, that would be greatly appreciated. (It also feels like Vex Mythoclast is bugged too because we've done that one 17 times and only 2/6 of us have that one)



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  • My friend had to do it 120 times before he got his. You'll get yours eventually. But i do agree, the rng socks on these raid exotics, hence why quests were more bearable. The divinity one was a good example of difficulty. The vex, tarrabha, anarchy, 1k and eyes are prime examples of getting hopes up only to have them destroyed after each clear.



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  • 由WulfPak666編輯: 8/18/2021 8:29:44 PM
    2 friends of mine have well over 100+ looted clears of DSC and no Eyes of Tomorrow. And this is after Bungie claimed to have "fixed" the drop protection. (It probably doesn't even exist at all tbh) I'm pushing 50 clears of VoG and no Vex, yet everyone in my clan got it within the first 10. Now they don't play the raid anymore and only farm Templar for spoils and cash out on Master Atheon CP for Timelost rolls. Meanwhile I'm basically forced to run LFG 3x a week. Yay for Clans 🤷 What sucks even more is you NEED Eyes and Vex for the Raid seal. So I guess that's out of the question anytime soon.



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  • 由FataLVisioN_Oo編輯: 8/20/2021 7:36:05 AM
    There is no bad luck protection. Just assume the drop rate is always 5% or less.



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  • Took 65 runs to get mine.



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  • Yeah I gave up chasing the rocket a few months ago after I think 49 clears. Was the last thing I needed for Descendant seal, but I completely lost interest in the raid, and seeing people get it on their 1st or 2nd run while I still couldn't get it just tilted me. Good luck to your wife though 🙂



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  • This sounds like my exact situation, but I'm the wife. So frustrated that I can't get my first title because of RNG.



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  • Hey my best friend has the same problem



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