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5/5/2021 1:48:32 PM

(Constructive Criticism Bungie) I'm Unlikely To Return As A Dedicated Player

So the reason I'm making this post is to make my position clear to bungie as a player and customer whose been playing this game and spending money on it for years. I'm gonna try my best not to sound angry because I'm also hoping that this post brings some changes. Not gonna hold my breath tho cuz I'm sure others have already addressed this issue but I'm giving my input regardless cuz these are my thoughts and perspective on this game. So I stopped purchasing expansions and seasons since they announced sunsetting. I told myself and friends that i played with, that i would likely not come back to the game again after it went live. This is because I felt like my time and effort that was already spent in the game was overlooked or didn't matter to them, period. Time spent grinding raids, ib, trials, crucible, strikes, dungeons, events, triumphs and quests to gain new weapons, weapon catalyst and new gear. Money spent on expansion (some which are really bad, eg. Curse of osiris, warmind) after expansion, and season after season. When I considered all of this accepting sunsetting was out of the question for me, a game shouldn't feel like a chore (it should be fun) and i think some of you can agree a lot of the things we had to do in the game to acquire new gear felt like a chore. A very good example are pinnacle weapons. Now dont mistake chores for a challenge. I like challenges especially for the best of the best gear. Thats why dungeons and raids are so great, because they provide a great challenge without feeling like a chore unless you do them 50x over because u couldn't get that anarchy or 1k (sorry) then it might feel like that but i still don't see it as a chore cuz with a good team you can get raids done fast. I'm saying all this so people and bungie could understand my frustration when it came to sunsetting. All that time we put into it and you guys go %&# that, you cant use what took you a long time to earn in meaningful activities going forward? Now i heard news that sunsetting was gonna be reverted or something along those lines, thats all good and well I'm glad ya came to your senses if thats the case. However why implement it in the first place when ya knew how a lot (if not the majority of us) felt about the whole thing? This makes me believe ya don't respect our time/effort/money put into this game. Time is the most valuable thing we have on earth, nobody wants to feel like their time (or money) has been wasted. Never mind having bad content being sold to us and having things that we paid for removed instead of reinvented or replaced with equal content? Thats a big waste of money to me. That brings me to the next thing i wanna talk about, content. Thats another reason why I don't want to be as dedicated as I used to be when it comes to this game. A lot of the content feels reused, left outdated, and un-rewarding. Yes this is D2 but its still destiny to me, mars was brought back through an expansion, the moon was kept out from base game then brought back apart of an expansion, cosmodrome was left out then brought back apart of an expansion, and no time to explain was locked behind a pre order purchase. Not sure about hawkmoon, and I think tlw and thorn were locked behind season of the drifter (before it was free). I don't mind ya bringing things back from the old game by why are you making us pay for it? I may not know everything when it comes to releasing content but that seems unessecary to me. Eververse being the go to person for pretty much everything that looks cool in the game is also a very big problem. We have so many useless outdated vendors who could bring more to the game in terms of missions, interactions and rewards. Also the things i felt that were outdated are the vault, shader system (which i heard is finally being changed), sparrows, ships, as mentioned before vendors, character customization, character interactions including cutscenes, inventory, social spaces. I might be missing some things. Let me briefly explain what i mean by outdated. Nvm that the vault space hasn't been updated even tho there's a lot more gear in the game. Maybe there's a reason for that idk... but why hasn't it been updated to where we can customize how its organized and for it to remain the way we customize/filter it. As far as i know even if you filter the vault while you're using it, it will revert back once u leave and re-enter. Shader system is being changed so i won't talk about that but man... i really don't know why it took this long. All we can do with our sparrows and ships are change its color, what happened to being able to change the sparrows trail colors? What about customization to adjust the speed or handling, or being able to modify your sparrow. Like going from one exhaust trails to two, or three? Or adding parts to it. See, now that i think about it Amanda could be the person you would go to, to have modifications done for your sparrow and ship. Why is it that we don't personally use our ships for nothing else but flying from place to place meanwhile whenever we go to missions we are getting attacked by several enemy cabal ships, fallen ships, hive ships. We have a ship too, some with some big looking guns! Can we use them please!!!!! If ya could also allow us to see inside our ship and have access to a mini vault from within our ship while we're out in space that would be dope too. Character customization should be in game not just during character create, and bungie needs to expand on the look u can create for your character. Its literally the exact same looks from d1. Character interactions are so d@mn bad in this game, one minute your actual character talks in a cutscene then in the next scene your ghost is doing all the talking. Even during missions you will hear guardians like crow or osiris interact with their ghost then interact with you not the other way around. Its not just their ghost doing the talking, so it makes me feel like my guardian is my ghost's pet and only a few times is he allowed to talk by his master. It drives me crazy, if from the start (yes d1) bungie kept our guardians from talking then it might matter a little less to me but thats not the case and even now its not the case so how about ya make it so that our guardian is the one doing most of the interactions with others. Idk why after all this time that the tower is the only place you can catch guardians gathering outside of combat, we should be able to go to the last city and interact with the people that we've been protecting and do personal missions for these people. I know someone has mentioned this before I'm not claiming this as my own idea. We also had access to felwinters peak and now we don't... smh. Thats it, i could go on and on about ideas and changes that could be made but this is already really long but in conclusion bungie has already released hella expansions, ya could have done more. Please do more, i want to come back to this game and continue playing with the friends I've made overtime but i don't see that being the case anytime soon. To me there hasn't been many dynamic changes and now i see why people keep proposing the idea of d3 (i was opposed to it bcuz of gear already obtained) its because they have hope for new extremely fun cool concepts rather than being resigned to the same old same old. I didn't purchase beyond light or any new seasons, if bungie's following expansions are pretty much the same then i wont cop them either. Hopefully ya will do something truly different in the future or maybe ya will make a new game who knows until then...



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