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4/25/2021 7:19:09 PM

What the Menagerie had that Empire Hunts, Battlegrounds and Wraithborn Hunts, etc, do not

The Menagerie was sunsetted but I had hoped to see some at least equal to it as a replacement but two seasons later nothing anywhere near as good has come along. What made the Menagerie great was that it had a wide range of armor and weapons you could farm for with very specific modifiers you controlled. And the items you got could often come masterworked. It was a fun, challenging, and diverse area that was matchmade for 6 players and wasn't tediously long or ridiculously short. In other words, it was a great piece of content that many people found rewarding to play over and over again. Meanwhile, almost literally nobody (according to the Charlemange real-time player activity stats) is doing Empire Hunts, Battlegrounds and Wraithborn Hunts (and Nightmare Hunts on the Moon, which I didn't list in the title). The reasons are pretty straightforward why this is so. Other than Wraithborn Hunts (which give you some control over the final loot in the much smaller loot pool) these activities give you only random loot, are more problematic with matchmaking, or otherwise lack elements that the Menagerie had pretty much perfected. I'm not saying people don't play these modes at all, but given that there was a model about how to create seasonal group activities that had worked well, I don't see why Bungie abandoned it without adding something similar to it to the game. Giving reasons for players to log on and play is what makes a game thrive. If Menagerie or something as rewarding as that existed in the game, I'd log on to play it for that alone. I simply would not log on just to run yet more Empire Hunts to get armor with mediocre stats, or Battlegrounds to give me a few more variations on weapons I've gotten dozens of times before (I know the Umbral Engrams were supposed to provide a way to target end rewards, but the system is full of problems, and again, nowhere near as well-tuned as the Menagerie's). So Bungie, I'm not pining for the Menagerie specifically, just lamenting that you were so close to perfecting the group play/reward system but then tossed it away...for Battlegrounds? Please look at what went right in the past and bring those lessons back with new content.



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