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4/24/2021 8:03:41 AM

Movement (and other) keys sticky

So, in the past week or two I've noticed that my WASD movement keys act "sticky" - after being held down for a while (running around), if I let go, my character will keep moving in the same direction for up to a second or two longer. I've also noticed the same behavior with the A key while viewing lore on a piece of gear: Normally you have to hold down the A key, and the second you let go, the lore disappears, but mine quite often sticks around for a couple seconds before going away. The lore issue is minor and doesn't affect gameplay or QoL at all, but the movement keys sticking is ***REALLY*** annoying and makes the platforming/agility/jumping puzzle mechanics way more difficult. I've run off the edge of a pillar to my death dozens of times due to this. I have already tried deleting my cvars.xml, and that had zero effect.



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