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4/15/2021 4:10:12 AM

How to update light based subclasses: Solar edition

A well thought out detailed video from someone who plays the game just like the rest of us. He has the most articulate takes on how to make the game better as a whole. This is just one of them. Please enjoy the video.



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  • 由Cinoprime453編輯: 4/15/2021 5:35:29 AM
    It was a pretty goods video, the whole elements need their own identities is something needed, but some of his concepts are flawed, such as the dealing 20% less damage, where that might work in PvE, it would only cause complaints and headaches in PvP, why use a 140 HC when it will 4 tap when burning when a 120 will still 3 tap, like 5-10% is would be more reasonable in PvP. Second, warlock Icarus Dash and Phoenix Dive are the same button, so it would be impossible to run together unless one was changed to hold, probably Phoenix. Also the Aspects are way off in terms of balanced, like heat rises would need some of its perks put into some of its other ones, probably the doing stuff while gliding, because you would never use Divine Protection over Heat Rises unless you were using well, just like it already is right now. Perk changes would be severely needed to get any diversity. The hunters is pretty well balanced, but the titan, really needs work, 2 of the aspects are tied to sun spots, which is still only one super, like it already is now, and nobody EVER would use the Hammer health regen, no matter how many fragment slots it had. Sunspots would probably need to be its own aspect, and the hammer one changed into something else, you could probably look at the sunbreaker from D1 and find some interesting perks to replace the sunspot ones. Otherwise, I thought the video was pretty well thought out, the concept of Ignite, burn and explode is pretty good, though unlike stasis where freeze leads to shatter, burn just burns while explode explodes. It should definitely be similar to this, though probably not the exact same layout to darkness subclasses to give the light and dark their own identity, and some tweaking to the aspects. Bungie really should take some notes from his videos.



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