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由AjaxsRevenge編輯: 4/4/2021 3:30:54 AM

Legendary lost sector loot issues

So I've been grinding the lost sector on Europa this evening to try to obtain the new titan cheat piece. I have now run the legendary lost sector about a dozen times and I've gotten nothing. The whole point of a legendary lost sector is to grant easier access to those pieces in exchange for a higher difficulty. I've seen better exotic drop rates out of 2nd tier difficulty nightfalls. So would someone please explain to me what in the ever livin' F#<K is going on? This is punishing and not rewarding at all. I've gotten maybe 6 cores out of my 10+ runs.



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  • Same... Although I got an exotic engram from the chest but when decrypted it was an enhancement core. No loot whatsoever after that...



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    • 由WhiskeyZulu60編輯: 4/4/2021 4:37:11 AM
      I can confirm that the "Platinum Completion Banner" will not show up again unless I log out of Destiny and restart the game. Once I do this and complete the sector the "Platinum Completion Banner" will pop again. I and others believe that the "Platinum" completion is not registering properly after your first successful run. This might be impacting the loot pool. So, if I want a chance at the Titan's chest I have to complete the sector, exit the game, shut town Destiny 2, restart Destiny 2, re-log into Destiny 2, and run the sector each time. Please look into this, thank you.



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