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由Twizz編輯: 3/13/2021 10:05:23 AM

Temporary band-aid for cheaters.... idea ( Not a negative post )

If we are not going to take the cheating issue seriously at all, can we at least get a block player function in the game so we don't run into them ever again? It's a system that is in many games, but I believe it is done the absolute best in Overwatch. In Overwatch, if you run into a cheater yes it is frustrating but you can always rest easy knowing that you can report them and block them never seeing them again..... until they get banned and buy another account because they don't IP ban or HID Ban, but that's getting off-topic. I feel this would be a sorta quick band-aid fix and would allow Bungie to flag accounts with a lot of player blocks. I would love to hear some Ideas added on if there are any. ✌ - Twizz



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  • [quote]If we are not going to take the cheating issue seriously at all, can we at least get a block player function in the game so we don't run into them ever again? It's a system that is in many games, but I believe it is done the absolute best in Overwatch. In Overwatch, if you run into a cheater yes it is frustrating but you can always rest easy knowing that you can report them and block them never seeing them again..... until they get banned and buy another account because they don't IP ban or HID Ban, but that's getting off-topic. I feel this would be a sorta quick band-aid fix and would allow Bungie to flag accounts with a lot of player blocks. I would love to hear some Ideas added on if there are any. ✌ - Twizz[/quote] If they'd maybe make it take more than one hand cannon shot to kill people and make them battle it out longer then maybe we'd have a better chance. I know for a fact it's just how good your internet is. That's like 95% of it. I had fast fibernet and would always be in top 3, now that i have crap ass spectrum i get slaughtered no matter how hard i focus, somehow u did get like 17/1 with my warlock one day, it was amazing. But most the time it let's guys do like 3 moves to my one and i don't have a chance besides the ice not working for me and always killing me even if i immediately hit the buttons. That is bugged. It's not balance. Trials is even more crap. Got guys using aimbots, nobody can aim that fast even on THIER adderall. I need faster internet and ps5 is i want to enjoy crucible if any type.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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