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由Twizz編輯: 3/13/2021 10:05:23 AM

Temporary band-aid for cheaters.... idea ( Not a negative post )

If we are not going to take the cheating issue seriously at all, can we at least get a block player function in the game so we don't run into them ever again? It's a system that is in many games, but I believe it is done the absolute best in Overwatch. In Overwatch, if you run into a cheater yes it is frustrating but you can always rest easy knowing that you can report them and block them never seeing them again..... until they get banned and buy another account because they don't IP ban or HID Ban, but that's getting off-topic. I feel this would be a sorta quick band-aid fix and would allow Bungie to flag accounts with a lot of player blocks. I would love to hear some Ideas added on if there are any. ✌ - Twizz



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  • Huh, I got beat by this player? Blocked. Let me just keep blocking people that offer me any competition, that works.



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    • Free to Play can't PvP would instantly fix over 50% of the cheating issues in pvp. Bungie doesn't seem willing to do that for some reason. As a temporary fix, instead of just banning cheaters they should secretly flag cheater accounts so cheaters only ever match with other cheaters. -blam!- it, even give them great match making times by matching them with god tier bots so it takes them longer to realise they aren't playing the real game anymore. Gets cheaters out of the general matchmaking pool. Probably take them twice as long to realise they are fighting an uphill battle and start a new account.



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      • 😁🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺



        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

      • [quote]If we are not going to take the cheating issue seriously at all, can we at least get a block player function in the game so we don't run into them ever again? It's a system that is in many games, but I believe it is done the absolute best in Overwatch. In Overwatch, if you run into a cheater yes it is frustrating but you can always rest easy knowing that you can report them and block them never seeing them again..... until they get banned and buy another account because they don't IP ban or HID Ban, but that's getting off-topic. I feel this would be a sorta quick band-aid fix and would allow Bungie to flag accounts with a lot of player blocks. I would love to hear some Ideas added on if there are any. ✌ - Twizz[/quote] Make a 32 team 96 man tournament for each set of 96 guys, shot over to a separate server and at 7 wins still get lighthouse wins but if you run all the way and win you get special trials champions ornaments. After 1 bracket that's 4 wins. Then you go to champions bracket, there 3rd win is 7, lighthouse time then next match is final round 8th win is champions chest, special armour ornament. Then they couldn't pull no bs because they're be locked into a tournament where they're gonna have to play the teams they're matched with. Take the damn ice off the trials and any competative. Win 5 trials tourmaments get special champions emblem that glows your armour permanently or at least the whole season.



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      • [quote]If we are not going to take the cheating issue seriously at all, can we at least get a block player function in the game so we don't run into them ever again? It's a system that is in many games, but I believe it is done the absolute best in Overwatch. In Overwatch, if you run into a cheater yes it is frustrating but you can always rest easy knowing that you can report them and block them never seeing them again..... until they get banned and buy another account because they don't IP ban or HID Ban, but that's getting off-topic. I feel this would be a sorta quick band-aid fix and would allow Bungie to flag accounts with a lot of player blocks. I would love to hear some Ideas added on if there are any. ✌ - Twizz[/quote] If they'd maybe make it take more than one hand cannon shot to kill people and make them battle it out longer then maybe we'd have a better chance. I know for a fact it's just how good your internet is. That's like 95% of it. I had fast fibernet and would always be in top 3, now that i have crap ass spectrum i get slaughtered no matter how hard i focus, somehow u did get like 17/1 with my warlock one day, it was amazing. But most the time it let's guys do like 3 moves to my one and i don't have a chance besides the ice not working for me and always killing me even if i immediately hit the buttons. That is bugged. It's not balance. Trials is even more crap. Got guys using aimbots, nobody can aim that fast even on THIER adderall. I need faster internet and ps5 is i want to enjoy crucible if any type.



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      • It's a nice idea if everyone played fair and followed the "good sport" code of conduct. The problem I can see is people will just continually block every player that beats then until they get consistently get mstchmade into games they can win. Letting them essentially farm high tier loot unfairly. I think bungie need to have some sort of in game auto detect system that can insta-ban or at least insta-kick if it detects heavy ammo before the map spawns it, supers before the minimum charge time, instant respawns, out of bounds, etc. Obviously still difficult to detect things like aim bots but a start at least. I think, no expert, that the current steam anti cheat on pc is only on a platform level and can really only protect against network manipulation like DDOS and lag switching. Similar thing with consoles, sony/Microsoft can only really protect on a network level as the software is someone else's IP.



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      • Tell those who post on the #Help forum page every day complaining about being banned that Bungie does nothing.



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        • I do not think it is possible with P2P connection I stand corrected if I am wrong.



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