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2/25/2021 8:58:15 AM

TWAB asks for Feedback, Forum gets ignored

Does Feedback actually provide anything for the devs to listen to us? Month after month, week after week.....Topics get ignored by bungie and they respond to the most pathetic shit here only. Cozmo and dmg always dodge the serious topics, or BUNGIE dodges the serious topics. And your "Change" is like getting shot in chicaco and calling for police You will always be too late



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  • The r/DestinyTheGame subreddit has over 1 million people within it and often provides good feedback, responses and guides for new players and usually gets 3k upvotes per decent post and a decent amount of responses from CMs. The forums barely hit 400 upvotes and provide nothing but incessant whining and attacking CM who have no control over the game and are there to pass on feedback, not to mention half of these people want luke smith to basically be wiped off the face of the earth when the guy isnt even the director of the game anymore (Its joe blackburn now) These are real people, sure they dont always do the smartest damn things but attacking them 24/7 and saying they should be fired is obviously going to make them ignore this cesspit.



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