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2/25/2021 8:58:15 AM

TWAB asks for Feedback, Forum gets ignored

Does Feedback actually provide anything for the devs to listen to us? Month after month, week after week.....Topics get ignored by bungie and they respond to the most pathetic shit here only. Cozmo and dmg always dodge the serious topics, or BUNGIE dodges the serious topics. And your "Change" is like getting shot in chicaco and calling for police You will always be too late



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  • 由mannequin編輯: 2/25/2021 2:10:43 PM
    Ive seen more actual feedback and constructive criticism on reddit. The forums here are actual cancer, a lot of toxicity and straight up insults from ppl who wonder why they dont get a response. If someone called you a ***** would you respond? Bungo this bungo that. Its sad because some actually good feedback gets drowned out by so much trash. There was a person who made a post about female friendly armor and some of the replies to that were so toxic that the thread got locked by ninjas. Smh. I love this community but sometimes i wonder. We have some gems in here who are just real nasty human beings.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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