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2/19/2021 9:43:28 PM

Constantly Getting Kicked from Crucible Matches

It's particularly bad since the new season launched. Keep getting booted from crucible matches first with code [i]canary[/i] and then once I try logging back in with code [i] marionberry[/i]. They happen back to back multiple times a day especially between [b]12 - 4 pm ET[/b]. The last match I was in today (after 4pm) that I thankfully wasn't booted from had 4 people from each team kicked in the middle of the match. Also noticed other people "leaving" matches as well (both wining and losing). This doesn't seem to happen during strikes or gambit matches, just crucible. I don't have network issues at all in any of the other games I play on this computer (Ark, Eve, Atlas, Portal, Terraria, etc.) it's just Destiny 2. Luckily I haven't been warned about being penalized for leaving a match yet. Bungie please fix this ASAP!!!



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • [b]Error Code: CANARY[/b] If you are seeing this error it means that Destiny cannot detect a connection to your home network. This may indicate a potential problem with your console or network hardware. [b]Please note: PC:[/b] Players may encounter CANARY errors if multiple instances of Destiny 2 are running. Players may be required to end all Destiny 2 instances through a Task Manager prior to relaunching the game to resolve this issue. Before proceeding any further, we strongly recommend switching from WiFi to a wired connection, at least temporarily. This is an important first troubleshooting step to rule out WiFi signal strength/stability as a possible culprit. The first thing to do is to perform a cold reboot of your console and your networking hardware. To do this, follow these instructions: 1. Exit Destiny and shut down your console. 2. Once your console is fully shut down, unplug the power supply from the console for at least 30 seconds. 3. Unplug the hardware in your networking setup and leave it unplugged for at least 30 seconds. 4. Start to turn on your networking hardware, starting with the modem, and working your way out to additional hardware. 5. Plug in and turn on your gaming console and launch Destiny. 6. Attempt to reconnect and play Destiny. If this doesn't resolve your issue you may need to check the quality of the connection between your console and your modem/router. [b]If you're using WiFi you may want to try:[/b] 1. Verifying that you have a strong, stable wireless connection, with no interference from other wireless networks 2. Disconnecting other devices from your wireless network 3. Turning off other large electronic devices between your console and router, such as microwave ovens, computers, and televisions 4. Switching to a wired connection [b]If you're using a wired connection you may want to try:[/b] 1. Unplugging then replugging your ethernet cable at both the console and router/modem 2. Replacing your ethernet cable 3. Switching your ethernet cable to a different port on your router/modem Please note that a temporary drop in your network connection will disconnect you from Destiny, but may not disconnect you from other services such as Xbox Live/Playstation Network and party chat. If the steps above do not resolve your issue you may want to consider contacting your console manufacturer for help with network disconnects. You may also find some of the steps in our Network Troubleshooting Guide helpful. [b]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/b] [b]Error Code: CANARY[/b]



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    2 回覆
    • 由Tatt2edSoul編輯: 2/19/2021 10:26:22 PM
      I have the same problem. Since the new season canary is all over the place, getting kicked at the end of strikes and battleground and getting no loot



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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