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由Tasselgooch編輯: 1/20/2021 6:58:17 AM

Bomber mod not working in PvP - Hunters only

Has anyone else experienced this issue where the class item mod Bomber (solar based armor) isn’t giving the boost to grenade energy when dodging. I’m specifically talking about hunters who use the The Dragon’s shadow because this issue goes away if I use a different chest piece. I stack two of these mods at a time. I also started to notice that other class item mods like outreach (arc based armor) doesn’t work either. I usually have to pause a live match, swap out my hunter cloak a few times before it works. And when it finally works, the perk activates only once in a single life. Other times it won’t even proc at all. Happens in PvE sometimes but in pvp it’s a constant issue. Please help!



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