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1/15/2021 1:14:46 PM


I'm not gonna say how -blam!-ed up the latest TWAB is. I'm not gonna say how bad Bungo is destroying the game. I'm not gonna say how disgusted I am with Bungo. All that would just be a repeat of what's already become the common consensus and would only fall on deaf ears. During my time playing Destiny 2 I learned a few things. Just because you paid for content doesn't mean the developers care about you. Just because you've invested thousands of hours obtaining God rolls doesn't mean the developers care about you. Just because you care about the game doesn't mean the developers care about you. The level of disrespect I've seen and heard from Bungo yesterday is unfathomable, and to say that it's unacceptable would be a major understatement. I really don't care if Bungo reads this, or even sees this, I'm not even writing this for them anyways, I'm writing this for my clan and the community as a whole, a concept Bungo fails to grasp. *Yes, I will continue referencing the name Bungo because it's a name well earned and deserved. Out.



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