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由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 1/14/2021 6:10:14 AM

High expectations for the TWAB today...

We know it, Bungie knows it, we all know it. Though realistically, we were distinctly told that we should not expect too much. After all, the developer team only recently came back from vacation. Things don't just get fixed on a dime...we all understand that. But what I do expect is to have most of our concerns to be addressed, especially since our community manager has had the brunt force of our feedback (constructive or not) for nearly over a month now. If certain things fail to be mentioned, then that would be a clear failure on the communication between the developers and the community manager, or at the very least, complete and utter ignorance that confirms that Bungie outright recuses to listen. These are not exactly demands or pinning blame, but rather just me worrying about the backlash that will occur if Bungie manages to get this wrong. High hopes boys, high hopes.



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  • [i]...we all know what exactly?[/i] What do you expect to see from/in a [b]twab[/b]? The game is over. They couldn't just pull the plug- [i]so,[/i] they're allowing us to grind out three final dlcs. As a destination Europa is their best yet. I love it. There seems to be quite a bit to do... (It's nonsensical of course), counter-intuitive, better [b][u]watch[/u][/b] a streamer, or YouTuber, or [b][u]read[/u][/b] an article because the spectacle that is Destiny is anything but the game. The game is broken on delivery. Fixed on the fly. The game is boring and worn-out. All these years. Let it sink in, years. The game has devolved. Specific unique loot? Bounty fatigue? Why we are doing what we are doing? The xp grind should be cut in half. Balance: class and light v dark. (The Darkness). Seasonal content. Seperating PvP/pve sandboxes. Don't even get me started on PvP. No maps in forever. No modes in forever. Your hunt is for a blanket wrapped around a gun? Iron banner is the best non-event event! New armour? New weapons? New storyline? Nope. Just another mindless npc met along the way to Oz. Destiny is a lot like me actually, awesome potential but a failure ultimately that never learned to walk so it understood how and why to run. I'm currently pretty pleased, my favourite game has 1 viable destination... Yay. The twab ain't changing that... If you are not happy with Destiny, the twab isn't going to change that either. If you're looking for a smidge of empathy, a distortion of the facts, fake promises, a help desk update and a larger than usual movie section... Then you've every right to get your hopes up!



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