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1/12/2021 7:31:38 PM

Catalyst Discussion

After grinding almost all the in-game catalysts the last few seasons, when looking at some of their effects some of them seem certainly outdated. I see how perk and stat synergy was intended when adding these catalysts but I couldn't help noticing how lack-luster or outdated some of these were. I have some ideas for how to update them to fit their role a bit properly: [u]Mida Multi-Tool:[/u] Add a damage perk, most players have been asking for it and it seems like a reasonable choice since adding outlaw was certainly unnecessary. Kill clip was an immediate choice since it seemed like Bungie wanted to focus around reload, but I could see High-Impact Reserves be argued since it could prevent cross-mapping chaos from going overboard [u]Jade Rabbit:[/u] Simply adds more stability to a slow firing weapon, it wasn't a great addition and fairly counter-intuitive. The main goal of Jade is to be slightly forgiving when missing headshots but as it stands there's not really any significant gain in damage to compensate from Fate of all Fools. So this is one I would highly recommend High-Impact Reserves as the magazine is quite low and would really help increase synergy with its intended playstyle. [u]Cerberus+1:[/u] Please extend the range of Focused Fire, the idea was very interesting to have the Ar/Shotty hybrid but as it stands the decrease in range coupled with the RPM loss doesn't seem to do the creativity justice. Since the drop in DPS is akin to a rapid-fire frame shotgun I would just suggest increasing the range to near a rapid-fire frame as the current range does not make using the alternate fire appealing. [u]Borealis:[/u] I see what they were going after with the increase in reload speed to aid in swapping elements but replacing that with Genesis would be synergy heaven. It lost favor ever since auto-reloading was removed so I would also like to see that Ionic Return is buffed in some way for end-game content. I couldn't really see much else besides a direct buff to Ionic Return for decent champion work and chunking a bit of the boss's health. Though if it would bring back one-shot body potential in PVP(when it was still a heavy) I could see the turn-off. But considering the default element is always switched to void after dying means that 1) You need to switch elements to counter super's which isn't on everyone's mind or is being directly looked for 2) It cannot proc on Stasis (Maybe fundamentals could be updated?) 3) The infrequency of supers and the possibility of failure Of course, good snipers can get this more frequently. I would like to see this happen for the PVE benefit for match game-level play but from a PVP standpoint, it's similar to a rare killstreak. But a hay-day for this gun and the fact that Bungie can just tune the numbers back down on a dime now would make it an awesome experiment to live through [u]Coldheart: [/u]Since its playstyle is just sit-and-shoot I think either Overflow or High-Impact Reserves, the simple stat bonus is nice but no one has used it since the game released. Both Overflow and High-Impact Reserves are great options for basic synergy. For more advanced synergy, I would like to see its element switched to Stasis and to add a Slow/Freeze mechanic exactly like the Duskfield Grenade. The catch is that its freezing properties activate when the Longest Winter perk is at half capacity. Why half? Because if it was at full the PVE synergy would suffer significantly as it takes about 3-4 seconds to fully activate and would not be as good as dealing with larger targets as it would mean longer exposure times and certain death. In PVP, since the TTK is fairly good at less than a second the few stacks of slow given would only be felt near the end of the stream for easier cleanup. If that sounds a bit too broken, which it very well might be, then just have the Slowing/Freeze activate at max Longest Winter. [u]Skyburners Oath:[/u] A range buff is worthless to a gun with no damage falloff. What I could consider at first, would be the addition of Unstoppable Rounds as those are the common enemy types in Cabal nightfalls. But on further analysis when using the weapon is that it is very fun to use but in no way competitive. So to simply make something of it I would think of something that's really gung--blam!- for cabal damage. I would think that something akin to Redirection would work but only gains stacks on Cabal hits and to activate you would need to ADS. The crazy fun part would be that it shoots a different cabal solar projectile. Either an Interceptor round or even a missile from a Thresher. I'd like to think that you can only use them in multiples of 5 and Max of 20. So for every 5 stacks would be an Interceptor round and when you reach 20 it would shoot a Thresher missile. But at this point, I'm just spitting what comes to mind. Overall I would be happy with just Unstoppable rounds and a Redirection-like perk [u]Darci:[/u] The stability enhancement is nice on this gun since it's a rapid-fire frame. But I think to really take advantage of the wait for Personal Assitant to proc would really play nicely into No Distractions if you want a simple upgrade. But a better possible alleviation would be the introduction of reloading perks such as Rapid Hit or Field Prep as the major drawback is the downtime between reloading due to Extended Mags and getting Personal Assitant back online. [u]The Colony:[/u] Seeing that the main purpose of the weapon is for PvP, the PvE perk of Deeper Pockets doesn't sit too well with anyone. Also, I didn't pay attention to the weapon when it first came out but Serve the Colony is just Auto-Loading Holster in disguise. I don't know if that's different when it first released. To correct this and the main issue intrinsically with the weapon (its blast radius and weakness to supers) would be to add full court to the weapon. It sounds like that would have issues from the development perspective, but from a player's perspective, it's almost crazy how well it seems it to synergize. Only 1 weapon can currently roll with Full Court (2 but sunset) which is the Interference VI. Having a grenade launcher that not only tracks targets but gets stronger the farther it goes to get said targets is kinda like a soulmate perk combo. I say try it, and decrease the blast radius if it doesn't work [u]Worldline Zero:[/u] The older of the two long-time exotic swords, this catalyst was the longest grind in the game, period, to get the perk Another Dimension. It was a decent perk but after the sword reworks Another Dimension (Decreased time between activations) does absolutely nothing to help this sword. Because it does nothing the perk simply needs a rework. If Bungie's intent was the increase the usage of the Tesseract heavy attack then the logical course of action would be to increase the charge time stat. Seeing how the Worldline's perk set-up is perfect for ad clearing, another kill proc perk would also be greatly appreciated. I could see Rampage, Surrounded, or Killing wind to be appropriate as they would not interfere with any current sword meta as they would not be sustainable for boss damage. Though this sword is mainly known for its skating properties, so if instead, the guard could charge when stowed the utility of the weapon would be increased nicely. Since I love this sword I do have to admit my preferred course of action would be to increase boss viability so it could compete. [i]Plus the sword was made by the Exo Stranger[/i]. The buff I personally want to see would be along the lines of adding an extra guard charge. I am not talking about allowing 2 Tessaract attacks on one charge akin to Black Talon, but instead a whole other guard charge. Similar to how Shinobu's Vow or Ophidia Spathe work, it would simply add another stack but unlike the two it would not decrease charge time. Instead, it would allow for two consecutive blinks at once and can only be done in very quick succession. But it would still be another 4-5 seconds per charge to return for a total of 8-10 seconds for both charges to fill up and each blink would still take 3 ammo. This is just a fantasy for a dude with 70k+ Worldline Zero kills so if you don't like it then just increase the Charge stat. [u]Black Talon:[/u] The other sword that was hit hard by the rework. This catalyst does have a very unique mechanic that takes great advantage of the heavy attack. But the issue is that the Crow's Wings heavy attack is strongest at full energy and takes a severe damage hit if it's not charged. But the catalyst does exactly that, take away charge. Reversal requires you to block damage in order to proc to increase the damage of Crow's Wings and lasts a very short time, only about a second. This coupled with Black Talon having the slower charging, inefficient Heavy Guard means you can almost never proc reversal in the intended manner. Resulting in buffing the lower damage unfull heavy attack from 25% to 50% of the full charge heavy attack damage. A method to fix this discrepancy would be to cause the initial block period where Reversal can block damage (which is immediately after blocking) to return a decent chunk of guard energy. I do not know the exact amount but enough to safely be able to cast a full charge of Crow's Wings with Reversal active, my guess is 10-15% returns. This does sound a tad broken for a sword to recharge its own guard by guarding, so that's why it would be limited to the reversal period and Black Talon can continue having a slower charge rate. If you're good at guarding then it could even be a boon. Though this may be the lesser of the broken suggestions as the other would be to allow all Crow's Wings attacks to be able to deal full damage if the meter has the energy and decreasing the amount of energy required to perform the attack reduced from 50% to 40-45% to retain functionality. This may be the one suggestion that needs more thought though



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  • [u]Leviathans Breath:[/u] The latest addition to the catalyst family and well, kinda underwhelming. It increased quiver size from 10-15. It does not stack with bow reserve mods. Simply put if you were rocking a bow build you could have 12 shots from 2 bow reserve mods which is not that far off. The main issue of the bow is just the draw time. 1.3+ seconds to nock, pull, and release. It has great damage and is fun to use but the draw time is horrible. Please just make this catalyst decrease the draw time, Archer's Tempo isn't really a solution I think of since its not really something to look for on PVE bows. But here it might be decent seeing that the sustained damage on a boss's crit would be faster but 1 miss means it's over due to Archer's Tempo only lasting ~2 seconds. These are all the catalysts that I've seen that I would like to see improved some of the rants are long since I tried to see things from both PVP and PVE and hope one of them wouldn't break the game. Add what you want and criticize what you will. But I had fun testing out all these weapons to get a nice feel for them.



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