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12/28/2020 6:40:05 AM

Dawning's "Flash of Inspiration" material NOT DROPPING for quest progress

The Dawning's community quest step 7of10 requires Ikora's(Traveler Donut Holes) cookies delivered; they need "Flash of Inspiration". After playing for many, many hours doing various pvp and pve activities that one resource did not drop for me. After seeing several other people having the same issue on r/dtg, it seems to be a bug or glitch. Where it makes sense for a community quest to require active participation, having a ticking clock for the duration of the event and then encountering this type of error actively persuades people, myself included, not to continue playing the event or even the game itself. This kind of barrier to objective negates time and effort for both the developers and the gamers. Please fix the error and/or extend the deadline so that any and all wishing to participate for the community based rewards can actually achieve them!!!



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