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12/16/2020 10:01:23 PM

Regarding Luke's Polygon interview about Light subclasses and making them into the new Stasis style

So this is going to be a really quick take on the path into changing old subclasses. I really hope someone at bungie sees this as because it might be really important for sandbox balance pve and pvp wise moving foward. First, as stated by Luke to move into the new system bungie needs to decide what to do with the different super variations present inside subclasses, mainly thanks to the forsaken subclasses having their own identity inside themselves, and how to handle what needs to go away and what stays. Right now inside stasis there are slots to change melee ability, jump, grenades and class ability therefore changing the super would be impossible in a system where aspects are different functions inside the subclass. As Luke said, for some subclasses the easiest solution would to simply take some of the weaker variants away, just like the example given with nova bomb and nova warp, while others would be complicated since both variations are popular in their use, just like daybreak and well of radiance. Unfortunetly this would be a very poor decision for both the sandbox, the community and for your ability to customize certain abilities. No one wants to loose a subclass even though they might be underused. Taking away abilities so other subclasses feel more unique is not a solution that would feel satisfaying or make classes actually unique. As of right now, with the exception of comparing arc staff and spectral blades in pvp (i play more hunter so might be biased), all supers inside their respective classes and in comparison to the other "similar" supers between classes, like ward of dawn and well of radiance both being support based abilities which provide health and damage, all feel unique and have their small and distinc uses and interactions between each other. A good example of variatons being good for the game is the current state of the void titan subclass and its skill tree. There are currently 3 variations of the same super inside the the subclass: normal void shield, void shield/bubble and the commander shield. While both the commander and shield/bubble variations are very strong and usefull for pve and pvp the bottom tree super feels "weaker" compared to the others. With the new system changing the perks linked to this super could be changed thus increasing the the value for this variation going up, making more viable for different uses. Thus taking two of these variation so one stays would make the subclass to linear and less customizable taking away the fun of each one. But one would say there is no away in the current system to allow the change of the super and to balance their respective strenghts. I say there is via the same system already in place and not some new mechanic or adding a new style to the system. In the system of stasis aspects play a very important role in how the subclass would work, for example how shatterdive on hunter is a game changing ability for the subclass. The solution for the supers problem would be to simply make aspects that direcly change the way the super works, just like in top tree void titan where a perk makes that activating the super while holding another input changes the super into ward of dawn. Their of course are to issues with this idea. 1: how do we make this work in the game exactly 2: if there are 2 aspects that change the super how would we make it work. For that i have some ideas. First as of how they work, making it like the forsaken modifiers for supers would be intresting and the adding more things into the aspect that are directly related to this variation so it feels powerfull enough for use and does not break the game, like mixing the perk that makes golden gun more accurate while using blade barrage. Second, in regards to having mutiple aspects that change the super, i have thought 2 options for this. We either simply lock the use of the aspects together, imagine it as trying to use two exotic weapons or armor at the same time, or make a simple third aspect slot that only allows for these super altering aspects, one way to balance this in regards to fragments you could either make it have separate fragments for this aspect and make it take slots for the other ones away. In conclusion, this is a small piece of what a have been thinking about since I read the interview. I would be really gratefull if anyone at bungie would read this. I also have more ideas or if it needs more explaining i would as it may be a little bit confusing i would gladly enter on discord to explain it to anyone just send me a message on either steam or here at Finishing up i would like to say a very much like the state the game is heading to right now, to everyone at Bungie keep up the good work, I understand it is very hard to work right now with the pandemic and all but you guys are amazing a love this game and only wish you guys the best. I hope in the future there is no need to remove these little variations from the game. Now I'm going to twitter to make either Cozmo or Dmg read this :)



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