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由Kody編輯: 10/27/2020 3:22:26 AM

UAPs, UFOs, ETs...

They're ETs


They're American, Russian, Chinese, etc.


It's a fake conspiracy by the government


It's another natural phenomenon


It's the end of times or some kind of magic


It's been far too long since I've visited here, but I wasn't sure where else to go, as I have nobody in life to share this with. Half of my friends and family think it's silly to believe in aliens, and the other half already believe in aliens... and things like unicorns, vampires, and pizza gate. I'm more like Fox Mulder, in that I really want to believe, but up until now I haven't. What do you all think about the UFO videos released by To The Stars and later confirmed by the Pentagon (there are 3 of them; feel free to look them up if you are interested)? I just got around to watching Joe Rogan interview the USAF pilot from the 2004 video, and the context he provides is insanity! I'm interested in what the Flood thinks!



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  • Well. For starters, it's totally possible to believe that there could be aliens! Following Darwinian Evolotion, it's completely possible for there to be other races out there! And I believe that we just gotta figure out how to get outta the system. From a religious standpoint, sure the Man Upstairs could have decided to sprinkle a ton of other races all over the place and watch what happen!



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