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10/20/2020 5:29:17 PM

Chronicler Title

The Chronicler title should stay for the next season because the dreaming city isn’t getting vaulted. There are many people who also agree with me on this one. The season started off with giving us a warning about vaulting but it still takes 231 days to get the title. If there could be some changes made Me and so many others are really close to getting this title. @bungie



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  • 由xbroggiex編輯: 10/21/2020 8:33:19 PM
    I have the title and I even think they should change it to let people get it. Its only the absolute smooth brains that will always pull out the... yOu HaD tWo YeArS!!!!! Rebuttal, but if you even take 1 millisecond to think about it you realise its a really dumb argument. Why? Well not everyone has a pretty simple title high on their priority list of what do in the game since not that long ago no-one knew it was getting vaulted. That and there is a modicum of other things that need to be done in the game before they get removed like Seasonal content/titles for example. Simple solution is to allow players who are only missing Truth to Power continue to obtain it even after BL launches and receive the title, same with the other little lore tidbits that are still obtainable. So the same amount of time is put in its just that you aren't gated because Luke Smith keeps choking his chicken to the "had to be there" ideology.



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    • [quote]There are many people who also agree with me on this one.[/quote] [i]*sees 0 upvotes*[/i] Are you sure about that?



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      • I'm gonna wear Chronicler until beyond light launches just to meme on the people who are whining about not having it.



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        • So tired of these posts. They are not changing it. They have alreasy said this.



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          • I have mine so I don't care.



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          • You had all the time in the world to get the lore during forsaken. No excuses, get over it.



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            • Only title that matters and shows you have some skill and dedication is Unbroken. So don’t worry about lore triumph.



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              7 回覆
              • I got it yesterday finally found a team willing to teach me last wish and had eggs on. that raid is so flippin easy when someone takes the time to teach instead of asking for 20+ clears and that stupid "NWTD" B.S



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                • They did the same thing with Forerunner but on a shorter time frame, I can't finish interference: loop because the cradle is stuck on the supplicant variant. I can't do the MMXX moments of triumph either because of the solstice armor. It's just more of Bungie's "you had to be there" (FOMO) mentality.



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                  • All of a sudden everyone care about Chronicler 🤣



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                  • 由Demon_XXVII編輯: 10/21/2020 2:59:09 PM
                    I’m on 7/11 of the Truth to Power And Bungie have spent the last 3-4 cycles when it’s strong curse week putting out patches & running maintenance (it’s like they’ve chose that particular ‘Strong Curse Week’ on purpose! Making it nigh on impossible to get the ones missing (using the ‘wait for reset’ cheese) Yeah, I should have completed it earlier - but no one knew the Seal was being retired until Summer (July ish)



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                    • Please. The update today screwed me.



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                      • 0
                        whoever downvoted has a fake account



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                        • Honestly you aren’t missing anything. It’s not a very cool title to wear. Just means you were bored enough to grind for easy to get lore.



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                        • Why are people so upset about a title under their name? Just shoot aliens, dude



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                          • Yeah I’m halfway on that one, my last one also, bit annoying but not like we didn’t have the time to do it I guess lol



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                          • 由deadly-cause編輯: 10/21/2020 5:55:16 PM
                            Ummm dude there’s lore books that are found on other planets as well (including vaulted ones) not just the dreaming city. How would propose they keep this title giving some of the lore is located on vaulted planets? [spoiler]you had 2 years to get this title and you left it until it was announced this was getting vaulted? Not bungos fault. Sorry, not sorry [/spoiler] [spoiler]many people agree? 0 upvotes says different lol[/spoiler]



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                            5 回覆
                            • Think it’s due to the Cayde 6 lore and perhaps a few others as to why they are vaulting it. That particular Cayde Lore I believe was earned through Ace in the Hole quest on Titan.



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                              • 由Senor Crouch編輯: 10/21/2020 5:58:15 PM
                                I advocated for this a lot when I heard Bungie was going to vault this title, especially since they only made the announcement 10 weeks prior to November 10th. It is incredibly frustrating that anyone thought a 33 week quest was a good idea. I've given up hope on them doing anything for the title/seal. The only thing I CAN hope for is that Bungie learns not to make a quest longer than 5-6 weeks long. That way if in the future they suddenly decide to vault that quest/seal, 10 weeks will be plenty of time for those who are still trying to acquire it can obtain it. Talk about 2 years all you want, I'm not going to be a gatekeeper who just points and laughs at those whose life responsibilities might have gotten in the way to be dedicated to this title.



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                                • Against all those who say it's fair because of how long players were given to obtain the titles going away, I present this counter argument; all Triumphs are gonna be made visible and still obtainable. Albeit the Triumphs directly related to content going away can't be done, others still can for they count towards your career score. However, the content going away is not permanently gone forever, so why is it not then possible to claim these titles and Triumphs when said content returns? The fact that regarding Cursebreaker and Chronicler they have Triumphs that can be obtained after Beyond Light, why would you not then reward them if they strategically saved those obtainable Triumphs for last? All I'm saying is, if it's possible to claim certain key Triumphs regardless after Beyond Light, then it also makes zero sense to not reward them the title for doing the work and having proof of it. This response is coming from a long running veteran who would rather have equity in this game than just see time-gated FOMO "you had to be there" equality status elitism. Anyone who disagrees with this is purely selfish, ignorant, and shares no compassion to any other player who wants to enjoy and experience this game because you only care about "your career" in this game and not the new Guardian who missed out because they haven't been born yet to play. Put that into perspective before you call people out on "you had years" cuz for the majority they actually didn't, just because you were first in line to exist in the right era



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                                  • There are entries in the title that are in planets that are being vaulted though. I know how it feels, I just need 1 corrupted egg that Bungie lovingly put behind a boss fight that no one really wants to do. It's really no big deal about the title, but it says a lot about inconsistency in game design to have a whole title obtainable solo except 1 single piece. It's actually preventing Chronicler and Cursebreaker for me.



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                                    14 回覆
                                    • finally got mine yesterday!



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                                      1 回覆
                                      • I get your issue.. however, you have had literally several years to accomplish this title. If you didn't do it in that time, it is unfortunate. Remember this going forward and play more when the title is available.



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                                      • Looks like you’re on Xbox. Add me as a friend and I’ll see what I can do to help you get past Morgoth. It’s an easy encounter, just need to visit the wish wall and put in the codes for the eggs and checkpoint.



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                                        9 回覆
                                        • Yeah, it’s all I’m missing as well. Hopefully they find a way round it.



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                                          • Definitely frustrating for anyone who had just enough weeks left including the glitch, imo there'd be no harm in leaving the title available as long as you already have all the other entries. (I lucked out and decided to get truth to power earlier in the year before content vaulting got announced)



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