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由GiveYourPaw編輯: 10/12/2020 11:44:35 AM

Looking for clan and "maybe" friends

Hello, my name is GiveYourPaw and I'm 22 years old. I'm looking for a clan that helps me, accepting people who have social anxiety issue and people who can't join everyday because of full time job. I speak Italian and English, and I'm play on PC. Thank you, it was really hard for me to write this...



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  • Hi Our clan is mostly made up of teens and wouldn’t mind introducing some more adults. We are a small clan and intend to grow larger but I know anxiety for some people can be really tough so I wouldn’t want u to join and then start panicking once more people join. We are all really nice and will respect ur shyness in chat. I’m 16 and I recently started speaking to people more and I don’t feel as anxious anymore.



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