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由Pride編輯: 9/9/2020 2:30:19 AM

(PC) Singularity™ is Recruiting!

Singularity™ is a clan that has been reshaped from what it used to be. Steering away from the competitive scene, we've chosen to push further into wanting to unite new and old Guardians alike in any form of content this game has to offer. The aim of this clan is to create a family within Destiny, to allow players to meet like-minded individuals who play well together and have fun doing it. The idea with the clan is to create a positive atmosphere with chill, relaxed and active people who just love grinding for that sweet, precious loot. What we ask - Please Be Respectful - Have Fun - Please Be Patient With New Guardians - Please Be Active (2 weeks inactive without first informing an admin will result in removal) What We Offer - Friendly and Relaxed Environment - Active Players Engaging In All Activities - The Ability to Help Create New and Lasting Friendships We also do not limit to only Destiny players. If you play other games and want to have a group of people to ask about playing a game with there is a good chance that someone will play with you. If this sounds like somewhere you could call home, please either respond to this post or feel free to message me! On behalf of the clan, I hope you have a fantastic day and thank you for taking the time to read this. See you starside, Guardians.



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