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由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 9/14/2020 5:58:05 PM

Remember Reach - Halo: Reach released ten years ago on September 14th, 2010

Feel old yet? :D Do you have any good stories about playing Reach? Did you ever achieve the Inheritor rank? I never achieved that rank and probably never will, I'm still on Mythic. Reach gave me a lot of good memories, good, bad and ugly. Like doing the final kill in a match by jumping backwards over the player then assassinating them good. Like playing through the game solo on legendary bad (though I enjoyed it and it's nowhere as bad as Halo 1 or 2 Legendary or Mythic). Like doing that stupid achievement to survive a lethal fall by assassinating someone ugly.



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  • Jesus where do I begin? [b]Halo: Reach. The game that practically saved my life.[/b] When Halo: Reach released, my dad had recently been released from prison and moved back in with me and my mom. Having visited him here and there from ages 6-ish to 11-ish, he was almost a stranger to me. Having been put into prison for selling drugs, he soon picked up his practices once again, this time, wrapping my mom up into it. Instead of selling, they were doing. They were on heroin until I was 18 years old and from the time Halo: Reach released to around 2017, all I did was sit in my room and play that game. To say Halo: Reach saved my life isn't an exaggeration. While some of my family blame me dropping out on video games, as a child, me and my mother were as close as two peas in a pod. I loved her with all my heart and still do to this day. But then, she was a stranger. I lost all of my support, I began wearing the same outfit everyday to school, and this only caused me to be bullied even more. Smelling of smoke and dirt, I was ostracized. It didn't help I was finding out my sexuality as well. From 6th to 8th grade, I wasn't treated as a human, at school or at home. At home, it was a different story. My mother sat before me, but she wasn't there. I would talk to her, and I'd get a twitchy slur of a response. I didn't even talk to my dad, for I blamed all of it on him. So I made an attempt on my life. If not for a friend I made in 9th grade who would soon become my girlfriend to this day, I would not be here. If not for Reach, I would not be here. Reach was the one thing I looked forward to every day. Having my can of corn for dinner or not having talked to my mother in days was forgotten when I launched my favorite game to play. I forgot it all, and drowned myself in a digital world where I could be whoever I wanted. I could be as cool, or as nerdy, or as flirty or as adventurous as I wished to be. I could be me, Jack, Zekhartha. Over the years, me and Reach grew apart. Thankfully, me and my family didn't. My parents got clean, and I'm as close with my mom as I've ever been. Me and my dad are still working on it, however. I have moved on and love him, but it still stings. So, I suppose in summary, I should tell you how I am. I'm.. okay. I'm better. My last attempt on my life was in February, and watched my stoic father cry in my arms really opened my eyes. I'm better than okay, I'm ready to make something of myself. So, thank you Reach. Thank you Bungie for making it, and if you, dear reader. have made it this far, thank you for listening.



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