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由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 9/14/2020 5:58:05 PM

Remember Reach - Halo: Reach released ten years ago on September 14th, 2010

Feel old yet? :D Do you have any good stories about playing Reach? Did you ever achieve the Inheritor rank? I never achieved that rank and probably never will, I'm still on Mythic. Reach gave me a lot of good memories, good, bad and ugly. Like doing the final kill in a match by jumping backwards over the player then assassinating them good. Like playing through the game solo on legendary bad (though I enjoyed it and it's nowhere as bad as Halo 1 or 2 Legendary or Mythic). Like doing that stupid achievement to survive a lethal fall by assassinating someone ugly.



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  • It gets a lot of flak, but Reach is up there in my list of favorite Halo games (nothing will replace Halo 3, though). I probably spent most of my time in Firefight and Forge, the latter of which has a very special place in my heart. My friends and I would build bases and race tracks, and I even made a few multiplayer maps and recreations of campaign/Firefight arenas. Some other memories I have of Reach are matching with SOG Grimm (I think that's how it was spelled), a well-known Forger at the time; having [url=]this screenshot[/url] be featured in the Halo: Reach Screenshot of the Day; and being one of the winners in an All-Stars challenge. I definitely didn't get to Inheritor though; I think the last rank I reached was Eclipse.



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