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由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 9/14/2020 5:58:05 PM

Remember Reach - Halo: Reach released ten years ago on September 14th, 2010

Feel old yet? :D Do you have any good stories about playing Reach? Did you ever achieve the Inheritor rank? I never achieved that rank and probably never will, I'm still on Mythic. Reach gave me a lot of good memories, good, bad and ugly. Like doing the final kill in a match by jumping backwards over the player then assassinating them good. Like playing through the game solo on legendary bad (though I enjoyed it and it's nowhere as bad as Halo 1 or 2 Legendary or Mythic). Like doing that stupid achievement to survive a lethal fall by assassinating someone ugly.



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  • 由cRaZyT101編輯: 9/14/2020 6:18:49 PM
    I always wanted to get the GUGNIR set of armor, but never played enough to reach the required rank. The credit cap was super lame. Though I found Reach to not ne as fun as Halo 3, I still had some fun times. I remember back in the beta I did the assasination motion and it literally sent us into a dark void of nothingness. I still have the clip saved on my 360, but I have no way of accessing it. When Halo Charts was still active, I was like top 10 or 20 for armor lock kills for a time. Though I eventually couldn't keep up and fell behind. Hologram was my favorite of the abilities. Nothing like sending out a hologram towards a sword guy and having them slash the copy. And the custom games were of course Halo being Halo. My friends and I spent hours and hours playing infection and different sets of invasions. One of my buddies liked making SW Battlefront mao remakes, and my favorite was the one with two opposing ships and both teams needed to infiltrate each other. It was just a massive space battle until someone could finally force they're way through the carnage. Great times...



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