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由Blue Spy 3DO編輯: 8/25/2020 11:34:01 PM

Glassdoor Bungie Reviews, from the mouth of employees

“Bungie has one of the worst engines in the industry. Artists should not come here. The company is slowly losing it’s best people and relying more on outsourcing because they would rather outsource their problems than actually fix the engine. Advice to Management Engineers claim the tools and engine are saving the company money. The reality is they are bankrupting the company. It takes 5 people 10 times as long to complete a single person task in your engine. Either take 10 years to build out a real engine team or stop using an in house engine.” “Advice to Management - This advice is for prospective developers, real developers who actually make games: Consider why you went into games. If creative expression and meaningful contribution to an exciting project is what ignites you, you will be frustrated here. If you don't excessively schmooze, you can't move up here.” “Tooling and workflow are the soft underbelly. Systems were built pre-Destiny and for the most part are still being used. Leadership talks about the game as a service, but not willing to make changes, take downtime for infrastructure, or provide budget that would speed up the release cycle Lack of ownership around tooling makes it difficult to make changes. Teams who technically own a tool still deal with the original creators of it who are resistant to change. Tools that don't have a formal owner or support are not shut down, reducing burden to engineers who do their best to keep something going, at the expense of features or other improvements” 67 reviews, if I had more time I’d count all of them that mention how outdated their tools are. This is like Bethesda level engine recycling. I feel so sorry for Bungie employees having to be under the thumb of incompetent leadership and being unable to effectively change their situation.



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