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7/29/2020 8:20:54 AM

Sluggish movement on Hunter.

Hi, since the start of this season, my girlfriend was complaining about her character movement, telling me it was slow and sluggish. So I grabbed her controller (we play Pc with controllers from couch), and yeah, her movement was really sluggish. I tested things, like setting up both mine and her Hunter with same movility (80), one Lightweith frame (Nightwatch for the test), traction Mod, and I was runing Powerfull friends (she didnt unlocked it, but mobility was the same, 80). Same super class setup too, top Void. Results are her movement is around 3/4 or a bit less of mine, definetly more than half. She moves slower, sprints slower and jumps less distance because speed inertia (tested in combat). In the tower, I realized too that on top of moving faster, my Hunter brings a glow when sprinting and the animation is different than her, like her Hunter didnt sprint at all, but she does sprint animation in combat. Btw, the options setup are the same on the "Controller" tab and its submenus. Any clue if Bungie knows or said anything about it? Because its SO anoying the movement difference.



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